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All Elements of the Nation Must Fight Radicalism


Radicalism must be resisted by all elements of society because this understanding can destroy this country. Citizens must understand the dangers of radicalism because it can divide the unity of Indonesia.
Have you ever watched a show about a country in a desert region that was destroyed because its government was overthrown by a radical group? This is predicted to happen when Indonesia is dominated by radicalism. We certainly don’t want Indonesia to be battered because of radical groups and terrorists. Therefore, all citizens must fight it.
Minister of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform Tjahjo Kumolo stated that all elements of society must fight various threats that can divide the nation and destabilize the unity of the state, including radicalism. We must determine our attitude, not to fall into the wrong association, to radical groups, anti-NKRI, anti-unity, etc.
In a sense, everyone is obliged to work together to fight radicalism, from the young to the old. Cooperation is an obligation because if everything is unified, radicalism can be eradicated quickly.
Young people can fight radicalism on social media because that is a new place to find radical cadres. Don’t let radical groups fall prey again, both on Facebook and Instagram. The younger generation can fight back by creating content with the theme of nationalism and nationalism. As well as informing the dangers of radicalism, so that his friends do not want to be invited to jihad abroad.
The role of young people in fighting radicalism is very important because they have high energy and creativity. In addition to creating anti-radical content on social media, they can also campaign at school and on campus. The content is of course an invitation to fight radicalism. Do not let this dangerous understanding into the area of ​​education.
Meanwhile, the generation above, aka adults plus middle age, can fight radicalism with seminars and counseling. This classic method was chosen because people aged 40 years and over usually prefer it. In addition, prevention can also be done by choosing employees and administrators of authority in the village (eg RT, RW, Lurah) who are anti-radical.
Don’t forget to also dispel radicalism in the WA group because it is usually widespread. Moreover, there are those who think that every news that is shared is valid, even though it is only content that is intentionally created by radical groups with the aim of misleading many people. If there is any radical content then feel free to remove it and let everyone know that it is wrong.
Minister Tjahjo continued, currently radicalism has spread even to remote areas. Therefore, all of them must fight radicalism so that it does not spread. In a sense, it could be that people in remote areas are still too innocent and don’t understand the dangers of radicalism so that if they are not warned, they may get caught up in the tricks of radical groups and terrorists.
Anti-radicalism socialization in remote areas is very important because people don’t become radical just because they join in, while they don’t know what radicalism is and what the dangers are. Counseling must be carried out regularly so that everyone knows what crimes are committed by radical groups, so that they are strictly prohibited from being in Indonesia.
All elements of the nation, both young and old, work together to fight the dangers of radicalism. If everyone works hand in hand then we are optimistic that this understanding will be suppressed quickly, because it does not get the sympathy of the public. The dangers of radicalism must still be socialized so that even people in remote places know about it and reject it.
Ismail, the author is a contributor to the Nusa Bangsa Institute

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