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Bawaslu Cooperates with Pol PP to Remove Bad President Candidate Banners


Cidiss. The 2019 Presidential Election (Pilpres) which will take place next year, is colored with political content content which is not yet clear from which direction. Lately there have been several banners that read “Don’t Choose Bad President”, these banners are scattered in a number of points in Jakarta. Among other things, they are installed at the Cempaka Putih, Senen, and Sentiong Crossing Bridges.

As the supervisory party related to the Presidential Election and Pileg Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) DKI immediately coordinated with DKI Satpol PP to remove banners prohibiting the selection of malicious candidates. The banner was installed on several Jakarta Crossing Bridges (JPO). DKI Bawaslu commissioner, Puadi explained “Actually, even yesterday we have ordered, just to take precautions to make the atmosphere safe and peaceful, to bring down the banner,”

Puadi considered that the banner did not meet the elements of criminal elections. This is because banners do not contain party symbols, serial numbers, elements of money politics, and self-image. “Even if it is possible to reduce it, it is in the framework of the beauty of the city. We will coordinate with the Satpol PP. Currently there are no presidential and vice presidential candidates because the existing candidates are still undergoing administrative processes. “The presidential and vice presidential candidates can be dealt with,” said Puadi. He also pointed out DKI Regulation No. 8 of 2007 concerning Public Order which prohibits the installation of banners on pedestrian bridges.

The banner contains the ban, known not long after the former Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court Mahfud MD issued a statement inviting not to choose evil candidates.

Mahfud himself actually explained the term evil vice president he called it. Through Mahfud’s Twitter account, quoted one of the figures, Frans Magnis-Suseno.

“No need for wild interpretation. The state must walk, the leader must be there. So do not abstain, choose 1 of the alternatives available. It’s hard to have a leader who is really good because all human beings must have weaknesses. Franz-Magnis said: Not to look for the ideal, but to prevent the evil from becoming leaders, “said Mahfud, Tuesday. August 21ST 2018.

By : Rikky,S*)

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