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Be aware of the Terrorism and Radicalism Movement


By: Endah Ismai) *

Terror explosions can arise at any time, even the threat of terror also arises from the actions of someone who is determined to break through the security forces of the minister to succeed in stabbing the Coordinating Minister for Politics and Security, Wiranto. The stabbing shows the situation of an unorganized terror threat. Although the police said the perpetrators were affiliated with the Jamaah Ansharut Daulah (JAD) group, National Resilience researcher Yulis Susilawaty said that the movement was a new form of terror.

The new form of terror aims to steal people’s attention. When people tend to feel dissatisfied with the current conditions, terrorists like Abu Rara provide examples of brutal actions. This condition is quite dangerous. Usually these terrorists are included in the category of nothing to lose. He has a thought that the good and bad of this country does not affect anything for him. For him radicalism is part of Jihad, even though it must hurt fellow human beings.

Meanwhile, the spread of the radical notion of terrorism does not merely target ordinary people, employees of state institutions, ministries, and even the security apparatus, not escape from the influence of this destructive understanding. Surely we all agree that acts of violence and acts of terrorism are condemned by all religions and humanity.

In the Indonesian context, acts of terror in minority places of worship, for example, are also very dangerous, because of the long-term impacts at the community level. The tragedy of violence resulted in strained loosening of the nation’s rope, strengthened mutual hatred and suspicion, and deep trauma to even implement the most basic constitutional rights, namely carrying out religious rituals in their respective houses of worship peacefully without fear.

BNPT Prevention Director Brigadier General Hamli called on the public to be aware of various ways of spreading the idea of ​​radical terrorism. He gave an example, this method is like a certain group that misuses the recitation forum for evil purposes. But that does not mean that all study sites are a nest of radicalism, but in fact there are groups who abuse the forum.

Hamli gave an example, there was a group of women who after attending certain recitals immediately held negative views towards other groups, were reluctant to make friends and some even dared to disbelieve the apparatus. In addition, Hamli also advised the stakeholders in the campus environment, to provide oversight of the course of the studies that are closed. Hamli encouraged students to think critically to reject invitations to join or carry out acts of terrorism, such as invitations to learn to assemble bombs for example

Former prisoner of terrorism, Kurnia Widodo has justified what was conveyed by Hamli, where the campus environment could be found that there were studies with the aim of spreading radicalism to understand terrorism. The characteristics of recitation are misused to spread radicalism in terrorism, according to Kurnia, usually the recitation will be filled with things that deviate from general religious principles. For example democracy is not in accordance with the Shari’a, and the struggle will be the Khilafah.

Of course, it is necessary to be aware of the spread of radicalism that can target the public, especially new students at various universities. The role of students is also quite large in caring for diversity because the greatest challenges facing the Indonesian nation in the future are problems of intolerance, radicalism, terrorism and are linked to social media.

If the community, especially students, cannot manage social media well, these ideas will enter and then influence the younger generation. The diversity possessed by the Indonesian people ranging from ethnicity, religion, culture, language and so on is vulnerable to damage by those who are unhappy with the Unitary Republic of Indonesia.

Muslim scholar Alwi Shihab stressed that the spread of radical ideas must be eradicated and cannot be taken lightly. Alwi said radical Islamic figures in Indonesia often provoke the community. For example by mentioning that Pancasila is an ideology that is contrary to Islamic law.

He said Middle Eastern scholars who were quite interested in radicalism could be involved to capture the spread of such ideas. Alwi also emphasized that Pancasila did not contradict the teachings of Islam. With the access to social media that increasingly spoiled its users, radicalism can target even people who have never participated in the study, of course vigilance against radicalism and terrorism must start from yourself and the family environment.

) * The author is a political and security observer

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