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Beware of Corona Virus Mutations


By: Lisa Pamungkas) *

Corona mutations are suspected to be more dangerous than the old ones. After the outbreak of the corona virus originating from England, the N349K virus appeared again which was claimed to be more dangerous. People are asked to be more vigilant, because they don’t get infected by this virus. Health protocols must be applied with discipline, in order to stay healthy and corona free.

The Covid-19 pandemic has been going on for 12 months. The number of corona patients began to decline and the capacity of Covid patients in hospitals was not full a few months ago. When the Sinovac and AstraZeneca vaccines enter Indonesia, the public will be optimistic that the pandemic will end soon. Because when there is a national vaccination, herd immunity will be formed.

However, we must not be negligent because there is a mutation of the Covid-19 virus and it has entered Indonesia. First there is the British corona virus aka B117. This mutation is called the British corona virus because it was first discovered there. The difference with the old covid is, the B117 virus is more contagious and deadly, so it must be watched out.

If someone is infected with the corona virus type B117, then the symptoms are almost the same as the old corona. These include fever, shortness of breath, diarrhea, and coughs and colds. However, given that this virus is more contagious, we must be aware of it. When you feel these symptoms, you must quickly check or do a swab test . So that precautions or treatment can be taken.

In addition to type B117, there are other coronavirus mutations that have started to enter Indonesia, namely type N439K. Amin Soebandrio, Head of the Eijkman Institute for Molecular Biology, stated that there were 48 cases of the N439K mutation in the country. In fact, this discovery has been around since November 2020.

Amin continued, the symptoms between the old corona virus and its mutation (N439K) were almost the same. However, this viral mutation has a stronger ability to infect a person and has a stronger binding capacity for receptors. So we have to be more careful, not to get this type of coron a.

Meanwhile, Professor Zoebairi Djoerban from the Indonesian Doctors Association said that the N439K virus was stronger in fighting the human body’s resistance. In that sense, the body’s immunity must be increased during a pandemic. Not only with diligent exercise , but also by eating vegetables and fruit, drinking milk, and can be supplemented with multivitamins or herbs, with doctor’s instructions.

Why is there a viral mutation? According to doctor Kathi Swaputri, SP PD, virus mutations occur due to uncontrolled covid-19 . In that sense, people’s behavior that lacks discipline can lead to the formation of virus mutations. However, rice has turned into porridge, when there is no lockdown and only PSBB and now PPKM, we must maintain discipline.

Never neglect to adhere to health protocols such as wearing a mask. When shopping monthly, it is mandatory to buy disposable masks and can only be used for a maximum of 4 hours. So that the supply of masks at home must be sufficient for all family members. You can also use a 3-layer cloth mask that can filter the droplets more firmly.

Apart from wearing a mask, don’t forget to always wash your hands or use a hand sanitizer and keep your distance. Limit contact with other people if it is not really important and it is better to do long distance greetings than to touch your hands directly. Isn’t it better to prevent than to cure?

When there is a new corona virus mutation in Indonesia, we must increase the level of vigilance. Because the B117 and N439K types are claimed to be better than the old corona. Never forget to apply health protocols and maintain hygiene and immunity, and be willing to be vaccinated so that your body is free from corona.

) * The author is a contributor to the Cikini Press Circle and Students

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