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Beware of Radical Group Maneuvers During the Covid-19 Pandemic


By: Zakaria) *

Radical groups are suspected of continuing to maneuver to spread their influence to the community. The community and TNI / Polri were also asked to remain vigilant and not be unaware of the spread of the anti-Pancasila ideology, which utilized the crisis situation due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

In order to anticipate the development of radicalism in the community even with the atmosphere of the corona virus, members of the Kuala Behe ​​sector police (Polsek), Bripka Suryoko, carried out the socialization and invited their citizens to refuse radical understanding so as not to spread to the legal area of ​​the Kuala Behe ​​Police Station.

On the occasion Bripka Suryoko conveyed the message of kamtibmas, including that citizens play an active role together hand in hand with the police in maintaining security and public order (KAMTIBMAS), including being alert and preventing the entry of radical understanding.

On a different occasion, the Kapolsek Kuala Behe ​​Ipda Rinto, S. Sos explained that routinely members must always come down to monitor the sitkambitmas and activities in their village by embracing Religious Leaders, Community Leaders and Youth to play a role in providing a narrow understanding of religious faith / so wrong that there is no understanding and development of radicalism in society.

Previously, Intelligence and security observer Stanislaus Riyanta requested that the police, military and BIN officers be extra vigilant and close the gap for radical groups that could potentially make the national situation not conducive. Because of the possibility they are looking for loopholes in the midst of the government busy in fighting the co-19 pandemic.

The handling of the co-19 pandemic involving officials such as the TNI, Polri and BIN, seems to be an opportunity for actors who want to create disturbances, especially for the government. The actor wants to take advantage of the security forces.

In addition, his party also said, with the economic pressure, the imposition of social restrictions that impact on limited work savings, became an issue that was driven by certain actors to the community with the aim of undermining public obedience and trust in the government.

Security disturbances that have occurred significantly are those from radical groups that carry out actions of tetor. Acts of terror against police officers in Poso by the MIT group (15/4) and lone wolf attacks in South Daha HSS South Kalimantan Police Station (1/6) showed that terrorist groups made use of the vulnerability during the co-29 pandemic to attack the police.

Threats from the group carrying the ideology of the Khilafah are still happening. The distribution of khilafah ideology pamphlets in Kupang, has become one of the proofs that the khilafah propaganda is still being carried out.

The group of bearers of the Khilafah which has been officially disbanded by the government, is also known to appear to try to exist, including through academic forums. Evidence of pamphlets circulating with attributes as HTI spokesmen certainly has shown that even though the government has banned them they still try to exist.

He continued, Stanis explained the emergence of narratives that tend to distort the government by using the issue of ignorance and do not forget the standard flag of Uptivr 40l \

Alvara also showed that 83.4 percent of the population aged 17-25 years in Indonesia accessed the internet. As many as 23 percent of them are classified as internet addicts because they access the internet more than 7 hours a day.

Of course these figures indicate that the ease of internet access, turns out to be directly proportional to the increasing spread of radical content.

The emergence of the radicalism movement is a reaction carried out due to the enactment of global policies of America and other western countries, especially the existence of a Jewish state called Israel. Actually, the groups and groups of terrorists want to reject this existence with the aim of jihad in the way of Allah, but the way they do jihad harms many people who are not their target, so this will greatly damage the various arrangements of life both in the economic, social, politics, state or religion.

Previously, the results of a survey from the Institute of Islamic Studies and Peace (LaKIP), led by Prof. Dr. Bambang Pranowo, who is also a Professor of Islamic Sociology at UIN Jakarta in 2010, showed that nearly 50% of students agreed with radical actions.

The data also showed 25% of students and 21 teachers stated that Pancasila was no longer relevant. While 84.8% of students and 76.2% of teachers agreed with the application of Islamic law in Indonesia.

Security forces such as the National Police and the TNI, of course, must continue to hunt down perpetrators who are proven to spread radical ideas to the general public. Do not let the existence of the task in order to bring order to the society towards a new normal instead be used by radicals in launching their actions.

) * The author is a citizen living in Bogor

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