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Beware of Radical Groups After the Death of ISIS Leaders


By: Muhammad Zaki) *

United States President Donald Trump confirmed that ISIS leader Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi was killed by blowing himself up. Nevertheless, the death of the ISIS leadership is not the end of the war against radical groups and terror that continues to grow or continue to recruit new members.
The weakened mobility of Syrian militant organizations, ISIS is marked by the viral news of the death of Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi. This news is quite shocking the world universe, considering the gait of this hard-line group enough to seize international attention. According to reports Al Baghdadi refused to surrender when trapped by the US military, and chose to blow himself up with his three children.
Not only famous for its radicalism that makes many people shudder. This organization even has the largest network and is spread throughout the world. Including in Indonesia itself. The action in the archipelago also cannot be considered as a joke. Various news about explosions with suicide bombings is rife. Like, in Jakarta, West Java, Solo, Bali, and other cities
Case after case shows the same mastermind, namely ISIS which has a base in Syria. The most widely heard when thousands of Indonesians flew to Syria, and when they returned they seemed foreign to their own country. Therefore, all citizens are advised to remain vigilant of their movements.
Asep Adi Saputra, as the Head of the General Information Section of the National Police, the Great Commissioner stated that the Detachment 88 of the Indonesian National Police was still wary of the ISIS movement in Indonesia after the announcement of the death of the leader of the terrorist group ISIS. This effort was made to avoid a counterattack of ISIS followers who resided in Indonesian territory.
Although it is suspected to have weakened, all connected networks in the archipelago are still a monitoring of the Densus. Because, this has not indicated that ISIS in the country is receding. In addition, Detachment 88 is consistent in monitoring and arresting suspected parties as terrorist members.
In line with the statement of Detachment 88, the Counter Terrorism Agency or BNPT, also continues to monitor the conditions that occur in Syria. For some people, this news is a relief, but it cannot be underestimated, because we must continue to be aware of the threats that come from the anger of Al Baghdadi’s men.
In his address at the White House, US President Donald Trump delivered news about Baghdadi’s death in a special US military operation. Which also killed several other ISIS members. Trump explained that this special operation was deploying eight helicopters that were leaving quietly from a secret military base. In this action, the US was not alone, it was proven that there were several countries that interfered with the attack. Among them are Turkey, Iraq, Russia and Syria itself.
With regard to Trump’s official statement, Indonesia will continue to actively follow all developments related to the situation and work together with relevant agencies and ministries. Including with members of the Republic of Indonesia who are on the Syrian border.
Actually this understanding of terrorism has spread and spread in Indonesia. This organizational system is suspected of incorporating hard-line and deviant notions in the name of religion. For others who disagree with this people, it will be considered guilty. In fact, the worst will be executed.
According to a number of literatures, the recruitment path for ISIS members was carried out clandestinely. However, there are some news that mentions the kidnapping action which was then stuffed with ideas which they considered religious resolution. Not underestimating, the ISIS group’s beats in this country are considered weak, even though they will move as fast as lightning to move for the smooth purpose of their group.
Many Indonesians are ISIS henchmen. And the latest news is the stabbing (former) Coordinating Minister for Politics and Security, in Pandeglang some time ago. Usually they will coordinate the movement through its members scattered throughout the archipelago. Like a guerrilla war, its activities are rarely smelled by the security forces. However, this does not mean that the Indonesian military is weak, given that in many cases the achievements of the security forces are considered quite encouraging.
It is not considered optimal, but the real steps to overcome this problem, should be appreciated. The government and related institutions have worked together to create a conducive situation to create a sense of security, comfort for its citizens. Regarding ISIS’s diligent action, all elements of the community are advised to remain vigilant if there are suspicious activities or parties. The public can report it directly to the relevant officers, as an effort to anticipate the possibility that occurs.

) * The author is a social political observer

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