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Both Indonesia and Australia collaborate to contruct Smart City


CIDISS. The Indonesian and Australian Chat related to Smart City infrastructure development technology leads to black on paper. Through educational Institution University of Technology Sydney (UTS) and Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), both agreed to sign Memorandums of Understanding (MoU) to collaborate in building Smart City in two countries.

Prof. Dr. Ir. Suhono Harso Supangkat revealed, the cooperation will last for three years, but not close the opportunity will be extended. This cooperation is mutually supportive of technology research to build smart cities. Although it involves two educational institutions, cooperation does not reach the realm of the learning curriculum.

Suhono explained, research on the development of smart city technology implementation is necessary to achieve the actual implementation in big cities. Research conducted between UTS and ITB related to urbanization in each city. Currently, the city of Jakarta has become the object of implementation of Smart City technology for other cities in Indonesia.

The research is then used to get solutions from problems in the city, such as waste, energy, transportation, to social and environmental. UTS organizationally and institution has technology architecture in applying Smart City. Then ITB duty to develop the model or construction related construction in Indonesia.

Australia and Indonesia have been researching smart city application ratings in several major cities. Even the research is not only limited to apply in two countries but also applies in Southeast Asia scale. Although in terms of population demographics and different cultures, Australia and Indonesia actually get the solution of the difference. Suhono explains, if no different problems then no need for collaboration.

The role of society and bureaucracy is also needed in applying the technology. Smart City is not only a question of technological sophistication but also requires human involvement. Technology alone is not enough to build a smart city.

By: Ahsan Z *)

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