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Community Leaders Are Urged To Avoid Controversial Statements


By: Alfisyah Kumalasari) *

Sukmawati reaps controversy. This time, Sukmawati was considered blasphemous for comparing Prophet Muhammad SAW with Ir. Sukarno. The case triggered the reaction of a number of community elements that followed Sukmawati’s reporting to the Police. Along with the reporting, the public is expected to be able to restrain emotions and respect the ongoing legal process. Far more important, community leaders are also encouraged to avoid issuing controversial statements.

One of the Daughters of the Proclamator, Ir Soekarno, Sukmawati was reported to the Jakarta Metropolitan Police on the alleged blasphemy case. The report was recorded on November 15, 2019.
The article alleged in the report is Article 156a of the Criminal Code concerning Blasphemy in Religion. Sukmawati is said to have made a statement that was deemed insulting when she attended a discussion titled “Awaken Nationalism, Together We Avoid Radicalism and Eradicate Terrorism”.

The event invited Sukmawati as a speaker with four other figures from BNPT, NU to the National Police. In that case, Sukmawati was suspected to have compared the services of the Prophet Muhammad SAW with Ir Soekarno. The event was held to commemorate Heroes’ Day on November 10, 2019. Initially, Sukmawati talked about the tragedy of the Cikini College (Percik) on 30 November 1957. The incident was the beginning of the occurrence of terrorism in Indonesia.

He said, until now radical groups still exist. Because, such groups often label people with disbelief. Sukmawati also said. Who fought in the 20th Century was the noble Prophet Muhammad or Engineer Sukarno? For Indonesian independence. Although Sukmawati’s statement reaps contra from various parties, there are also those who provide a bit of coolness.

One of them came from Gus Mus, in his post on Instagram, Gus Mus did not seem to blame Sukmawati’s statement regarding the amount of Soekarno’s services compared to the Prophet Muhammad. Gus Mus only wrote the difference between religious passion and lust. According to him, the difference between religious passion and lust is clear. Religious spirit is interpreted as encouraging someone to deepen their religion and faith. Whereas his desire to emphasize only gave birth to fanaticism which in fact granted common sense.

Religious excitement or the spirit of diversity pushes to continue to deepen the understanding of religion and strengthen faith. While lust only gives birth to blind fanaticism which actually drives away the common sense needed to have a good religion. The congregation also requested that Gus Mus and Ulama throughout Indonesia be able to reduce the turmoil about the controversial statement.

Meanwhile, Ustadz Yusuf Masnsyur also spoke out about the polemic about the alleged blasphemy by Sukmawati. According to him, perhaps the meaning of Mrs. Sukma is how then we also appreciate all who also contributed in any field in Indonesia or in the world. He was just offside and went too far by giving narrative questions that hurt Muslims.

He argued that rightfully, Sukmawati did not make a comparative narrative between the services of the prophet Muhammad SAW and Sukarno. This can actually lead to misperceptions among Muslims. Therefore, he requested that all parties be careful in giving a question before the public. Instead, he also asked all people not to be provoked to be angry.

Yusuf Mansyur also said that Muslims should not be emotionally fast. So we must see this as a space to inform, teach, be kind, and then give examples and knowledge about our prophet. He also requested that all parties be always careful in giving a statement when in public.

The case was also responded by the Chairman of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) Advisory Council Din Syamsudin. He considered Sukmawati’s statement came out because of a minimal understanding of Islam. He considered it normal for Muslims to react by staging protests. Because, if the Prophet Muhammadi (pbuh) was compared to Sukarno, it would be considered very inappropriate and irrelevant.

To that end, the former chairman of the PP Muhammadiyah appealed to religious leaders, especially Islam to embrace and be responsible for providing understanding of sukmawati. If the person concerned (sukmawati) does not understand, then actually the leaders of the Islamic Religion must also share the responsibility to teach it.
He also added that the glory of a religion would not be reduced only to the religion, teachings and revelation of the ascertained. Therefore, we should maintain our emotions in this case, not then playing vigilantism or even launching acts of violence against Sukmawati.

) * The author is a social political observer

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