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Community Supports Independent Vaccination for Corona Control


By: Putu Prawira) *
Vaccination is an important key to controlling the corona pandemic. But unfortunately, waiting in line to be injected with vaccines from government programs can be long. The solution is that independent vaccination is allowed, so that people can immediately get an injection and get immunity from the covid-19 virus attack.
We are already very tired of facing the Covid-19 pandemic, because in a year we are suffering from anxiety and there is a lot of news about people dying. No human being wants to be exposed to corona, therefore all Indonesian citizens must be vaccinated in order to have immunity against the virus. When everyone is healthy, the pandemic condition can be declared over, because there is herd immunity.
National vaccination is an important program that will be the focus of the government in 2021. However, the queues for the free Sinovac vaccine are still long, because there are more than 200 million Indonesian citizens. So it is estimated that it will only be completed for 12-18 months. An alternative to speed up vaccination is to open a self-help route.
Former Vice President Jusuf Kalla expressed his support for independent vaccination. According to him, if there is an independent vaccination held in a private hospital, it will assist the government in achieving the national vaccination target, which is 12 months.
Independent vaccinations are administered by private companies. Jusuf Kalla added that if they were given permission to buy vaccines themselves, it would reduce the burden on the government. Employees also do not need to spend money, because the costs are borne by the company.
If there is an independent route vaccination, the community can be relieved, because they get the vaccine and it’s still free. Those with employee status just wait their turn to be injected, and it is scheduled by their respective companies. Company owners are willing to buy vaccines, so as not to form new corona clusters in their offices.
Office clusters are very dangerous because most people use air conditioning indoors, while the covid-19 virus can spread in narrow and stuffy rooms. If there is one employee who becomes an OTG and takes off his mask in the office, then he has the potential to transmit corona to many of his colleagues. Therefore, the formation of this cluster must be prevented.
Independent vaccination is also supported by West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil. According to the man who is familiarly called Kang Emil, self-administered vaccination can accelerate economic recovery. Because if you go through the regular route, the queue will be very long at the Puskesmas, and those who haven’t received the injection will be nervous because they are haunted by the corona, when many have OTG status.
Self-line vaccination will speed up the injection turn, so that many people will be corona free. The pandemic is coming to an end because herd immunity is building fast. When everyone is healthy, there will be morale and work together to revive the country’s economy, which was drunk due to the corona storm.
However, Ridwan Kamil reminded that there should be no confusion when doing independent vaccination. This program should not be hindered by regulations and bureaucracy. It should be regulated, what percentage of Indonesian citizens get vaccinated from the government, and what percentage can enter the independent route. So as to avoid out of sync.
Hopefully the independent vaccination program can be well organized, so that it is orderly and minimizes chaos. Do not let anyone who has been vaccinated by the government, get an injection for the third time from the company, because the injection can only be 2 times.
Independent line vaccination is a fast way to end the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia, as more and more Indonesian citizens are already being injected. When everyone has been injected with the vaccine, they will avoid droplets carrying the covid-19 virus, because their bodies are already immune to corona. Hopefully, independent vaccination will be carried out quickly, so that we can all be free from the covid-19 virus attack.

) * The author is a contributor to the Cikini Press Circle and Students

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