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Coordinating Minister for Politics and Security: Political Stability encourages Economic Growth


By: Ajeng Mufadillah

Economic conditions are indeed inseparable from political factors. Political stability will encourage stability and Indonesia’s economic growth going forward. If political stability is already owned by Indonesia, then on the economic side, the investment will tend to be solid in the coming period.

President Joko Widodo called on ministers and heads of institutions to maintain security and order stability. The Coordinating Minister for Politics, Law and Security Wiranto said that the context of stability was not only post-election but also economic growth. Wiranto said, if this country is safer, investment in Indonesia will also increase.

Wiranto explained that the increase in investment could increase the country’s foreign exchange. New employment is also open and beneficial to the community. And that will encourage continued economic growth.

Wiranto denied the statement came out because there were indications of security stability. He said, the government must maintain political stability so that development runs smoothly.

Two things are always in tandem. Development cannot be done if an area or country is not safe. Wiranto gave an example of the war situation in Vietnam. They can’t wake up.

Now, Vietnam is one of the countries with extraordinary economic growth in Southeast Asia. Wiranto said, after they can stabilize national security, do we see? Vietnam’s growth is extraordinary.

President Joko Widodo led a plenary cabinet session at the Bogor Presidential Palace. In its opening, the President briefly touched on the issue of security stability. Jokowi realized there were small ripples after the simultaneous election. However, he did not want the small ripples to enlarge and disrupt public order. Do not disturb the security, order and sense of security of the community.In this political year, it is expected to be a year of harmony and friendship among fellow nationals. With the harmony between each other, it is hoped that national political stability will be better maintained. Thus, the pace of Indonesian investment will be more likely and able to encourage national economic growth. So that the community is more prosperous, Indonesia is more prosperous.

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