Deradicalization Program Able to Prevent Terrorism
By: Tri Wulandari) *
The government continues to strive to prevent the spread of radical ideas through the de-radicalization program. Many parties, including ex-Terrorism, admit that the effort is sufficient in neutralizing the ideology of anti-Pancasila, so it needs to be increased again.
Like an event, the spread of radical ideas is likely to be on standby. The reason is, this understanding is considered quite intense in finding prey or followers. Regardless, from all walks of life this has the potential to be exposed to this understanding. One of the steps taken by the government in overcoming this problem is through de-radicalization and counter-radicalization. However, in this case the government must be able to reach groups that are considered vulnerable. Namely, young children.
According to the observer of intelligence and terrorism, Stanislaus Riyanta, stated that the counter radicalization program carried out by the government needed to be expanded and also strengthened again, and actively involved the community.
This was said to VOA to respond to a statement from Khairul Ghazali. He is a former convict of terrorism cases in Medan in 2010. Khairul said the counter radicalization program has not been able to target groups that have been exposed to radicalism. He believes that the counter radicalization is to build self-defense so that it is not easily affected by the threat of radical understanding.
As for counter-radicalization, fortify themselves from all possible exposures to radical ideas that will enter. He added, the counter radicalization program indeed had not entered into the lower classes and the community might have a point.
Meanwhile, Menkopolhukam, Mahfud MD admitted that radicalism is now increasingly easy to enter, especially among the younger generation.
Deradicalization and counter radicalization programs are very important for the government to neutralize radical ideas. There are many ways to approach that can be done. For example, approaches in law, religion, psychology, economics, education, humanity to social-culture.
De-radicalization programs are said to be more effective if they are carried out by people who are trusted by groups that have been exposed to radicalism. For example the teacher, family, and cleric. Because, with the government they seemed to have made a wall and did not believe.
Stanislaus also said that there must be a difference between the deradicalization and counter radicalization programs.
If the de-radicalization is to change the understanding of radical people into non-radical ones, as is done to terrorism inmates. It is very difficult to change the ideology, it is not easy especially if done by the government because they already consider the government as an enemy, explained Stanislaus.
Stanislaus also added that the government must be aware of former terrorism inmates who are currently experiencing economic difficulties. Because they will be a vulnerable group. These conditions can potentially return to the group or those who want to accept it. Possibly, economic empowerment can be one of the approaches to deradicalization.
In addition, the Government also needs to expand the spread of counter radicalization programs. The reason is the existence of social media and the internet makes it easier to spread radical understanding among young people. Young people who are looking for identity will easily find radical notions in cyberspace. Moreover, they do not deny that they spend more time surfing the internet.
On the other hand, Coordinating Minister for Politics, Law and Security (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD after attending a national de-radicalization seminar at the North Sumatra State Islamic University (UINSU), said the government had empowered and involved former terrorism convicts in the Deradicalization program.
Mahfud exemplified Ali Imron (the Bali Bombing II case) always lined up as a speaker related to radicalism. And stated it as a dangerous understanding, because he himself had been the culprit, and other ex-convicts. They were scouted until they realized, who were then asked to wake up others.
This exclusive step of the government in my opinion is quite effective. Indeed there is one factor that dominates such as the economy, which is considered vulnerable to triggering people to become perpetrators of radicalism. Through the efforts of deradicalization and counter radicalization with a wider and more comprehensive range of aspects, it is possible to suppress the expansion of this understanding. Especially if it involves the community, it is also an ex-convict of radicalism. Surely this step will feel more effective and will reap success optimally. Therefore, let us support the efforts of the state to protect all its citizens from the disturbing exposure to radicalism.
) * The author is a social political observer