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DKI Jakarta Governor Fails to Handle Flooding


By: Zahra Pancawati ) *

Floods that occurred on 25 February 2020 were allegedly due to the failure of Governor Anies Baswedan in anticipating floods. Residents were furious and began to distrust the leadership of Anies Baswedan .

Not to mention the completion of the flood case that occurred in 2019 ago. Now Anies Baswedan has to face the reality of the threat of a lawsuit from DKI residents who feel disadvantaged. Anies was considered negligent in the flood anticipation program last year. A number of cases highlighting the minister’s role in education were increasingly turbulent when floods struck again on February 25, 2020. This shows that the Governor’s efforts to overcome this matter were minimal, if not possible.

Anies Baswedan who previously promised a number of flood-free urban planning systems when running for Governor is now a dream. Anies’s incompetence was seen when a number of projects with 1T of funds were stalled in the middle of the road. Land acquisition for green areas is constrained, the naturalization project has stalled to a series of other problems. Not to mention the news of the Governor who profiteered the normalization and naturalization project worth Rp500 million. This further makes Anies cornered. Angry Jakartans began to advance and demand.

Sem entara, Chairman of Jakarta Parliament Prasetio Edi Marsudi questioned the performance of the Provincial Government (Provincial) Jakarta related to the flooding that occurred in Jakarta. According to him, the regional government was not ready to anticipate the effects of rain. 

He said, the DKI Jakarta Water Resources (SDA) Sub-dept. Clerk was the person who understood the most related issues in the field. But according to Prasetio, the DKI Provincial Government has not optimized the performance of the existing SDA Sub-dept. Officers.

He also conducted a number of reviews of the control in the Menteng area. From the review Prasetio said that there were at least 5 control tanks that could not be opened. As a result, SDA Sudin officers cannot go down to clean the waterways under the sidewalk. Thus, rubbish then piled up and caused flooding in the Menteng area . He added that if this really happened, he even showed a large sack filled with rubbish from the results of cleaning the channel.

Prasetio also stated that he would ask for the D commission of DKI Jakarta DPRD to summon DKI Jakarta SDA Sub-dept. And Bina Marga Office. This call is intended to request an explanation related to the control can not be opened it. So that later not considered to blame each other.

The problem continued when Prasetio was asked about floods in RSCM, he mentioned Anies Baswedan’s responsibility regarding water pumps. He stressed Anies must be able to control the control of water pumps. He stressed that the water pump was 1000 percent the governor’s obligation, not someone else’s.

He also criticized the step of Anies who deliberately gave this responsibility to the Head of the Department of Water Resources (SDA). Though this problem is not his expertise (Kadin SDA).

Another thing that is in question is regarding the existence of 400 mobile pumps with capacity capacity of 1-6 cubic meters purchased by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government. This follows the flood events that still occur. If the use of 400 mobile pumps can be accounted for, of course flooding can still be overcome. Prasetio also gave an example of the Gading Mal Head Mall and Pulomas which are flooded when it rains. In fact, until the end of February this rain continued.

Now the former Minister of Education and Culture must of course take responsibility immediately . Cases of floods that claimed many victims until the death of 2019 have not been completed, now he has to re-deal with the alleged mobile pump that is not in place.

Looking in the eyes of experience, Anies should have been responsive and improved . Moreover, the rain continued to fall until the end of February and fatal again caused flooding. Even though it was only local rain, the fact was that flooding still hit. Doesn’t this indicate zero effort. Including the use of pumps mentioned by Prasetio as the Chairperson of DKI DPRD, which was not optimized. Yes, obviously the question becomes, if optimal, of course flooding can still be overcome. As a result, the community is now increasingly infuriated by the behavior of Anies who is considered to underestimate this problem. How not, all the assets until the lives were lost, while Anies seemed not to respond. It is no exaggeration if residents begin to distrust Anies Baswedan’s leadership .

) * The author is a social political observer

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