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Eradicate Radicalism for the NKRI’s Glory


By: Faiz Kurnia Putra *

On the celebration of August 17, 2019, and approaching the age of eight years (80 years) of the Republic of Indonesia. a lot of work to be done in this great nation. Global competition, management of natural resources, and reliable human resources. The founders of the nation have thought about what to do.

Democracy in this country is also like warm chicken tai. President Soekarno was overthrown, President Soeharto was also overthrown, BJ Habibi and Megawati only continued the rest of the presidential office, President SBY was smooth with 2 periods of his leadership. Then, the leadership of President Joko Widodo entered the second period. Do not let problems arise by sinking with various issues (hoaxes).

Many people need stability, look after aspects of life that are no longer the unsettling, cheap and unsettling bizarre. And be a good politician, not a politician who becomes a flea or a gray political party that likes to compromise behind the scenes. The emergence of radicalism or whatever it’s called, is no longer a frightening specter for many people.

Maintaining the Unity of Indonesia is not just an ordinary slogan, Indonesia has various ethnic cultural languages. On the shoulders of millennials have full responsibility in maintaining religious tolerance. Lately there have been people who have been raving about the issue of the Homeland of the Sharia, let’s fight the movement for the glory of the Republic of Indonesia always.

Free !!!

  • The writer is a National University Student

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