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Government to Increase Maritime Teachers


MARITIME TEACHERThe Director General of Elementary and Middle School to the Ministry of Education and Culture Hamid Muhammad say he will start focusing on teacher issues and teacher competency certification of maritime department which is inline with Jokowi-Jusuf Kalla’s program on maritime.

“We will gradually arrange teachers period and certification,” said the Education and Culture Ministry on Monday, October 19.

Hamid said from 12,400 Vocational High Schools, Indonesia only has 911 vocational schools on maritime. Hamid says the government will immediately repair existing equipments and buildings to facilitate learning.

Regarding teachers, Hamd said his department is trying to cooperate by recruiting experts in the maritime field to named as teachers. “Next year, it will be working with the Directorate General of Teachers.

Hamid says vocational high school teachers are obtained from college graduates of the maritime faculty. “Until today, Indonesia does not own any educational institution of maritime education personnels,” he said.

For certification and teacher competency issues, Hamis said it will be arrange to cooperate with the National Education Standards Agency. “Later on, Maritime vocational high schools will focus on agri-fishery inlcuding fish processing program.”

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