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Meeting via Zoom: Support Government Policies to Maintain Economic Stability and Security from Covid-19 Impact


The government and the people of Indonesia are facing a pandemic of Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19). In fact, the World Health Organization or World Health Organization (WHO), has set the Covid-19 outbreak as a pandemic, in March 2019. That is, Covid 19 is a global epidemic that has infected many countries.

As well as having an impact on human health, the Covid-19 pandemic also affects the social and economic lives of the people. Global economic instability, fears of the corona virus, economic hardship due to layoffs and declining incomes as well as fears of prices or not meeting basic needs, are a problem in today’s society. In addition, the public was made anxious by the circulation of hoaxes and provocation and criminal actions by irresponsible parties. These things can disrupt the economic stability and security of the nation and state. In fact, the people want this pandemic to end soon.

This must be immediately anticipated, because it could lead to an economic crisis and create economic instability and threaten the stability of the security of the Republic of Indonesia in the midst of the panic of the Covid-19 pandemic.

To discuss the Government’s policy on maintaining economic stability and security in the Covid-19 pandemic situation, a COVID-19 Sharing Season dialogue via Zoom Meeting will be held https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2947961805 Meeting ID: 294791805, on Monday 18 May 2020 from 10:00 to 12:00 WIB.

The discussion with the theme ‘Supporting the Government Maintain Economic Stability and Security from the Impact of Covid-19’, will be interesting and educative as it will present resource person Inggar Saputra, M.Si from INSURE and as moderator namely ICF Executive Director, Rakisa Ibnu Abdurrahman

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