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Millennial Role in Maintaining Unity in the 2019 Election


By: Adi Ginanjar *

Towards elections 2019 the most important thing that must be done by the people of Indonesia is to maintain unity and unity. Whatever the outcome will be, Indonesian unity must be upheld and receive the best results. Various political affairs that might be heated up should not be the reason for the Indonesian people to become divided and eventually lead to riots after the 2019 elections.

How to Maintain Unity Towards Elections in 2019

Getting closer to the 2019 election process, every behavior carried out by the presidential and vice-presidential candidate pairs as well as all political elements is certainly in the spotlight among the public. Especially with the current technological developments, various things can spread easily as well as news that is not necessarily true. So it is necessary to take precautionary measures from the community itself to maintain unity despite having different choices.

Here are some ways to maintain unity that are indeed important to be considered by the Indonesian people, namely:

• It is better if the politicians also really pay attention to how to maintain the election so that they remain peaceful and maintain unity in Indonesian society. Don’t just be a slogan or symbolically do peaceful politics, but also real action must be taken

• The community must be wise in digesting the information obtained especially through social media. So that it will be able to help minimize the hoaxes that can divide Indonesian society

• Learning to respect the choices of others and not need to be sarcastic, especially on social media. As with the true meaning of democracy that every person has the right to have his own choice and the results of this election whatever must be respected and followed well

By applying these things, the implementation of the 2019 election will run more smoothly and peacefully. Indeed, it seems as something simple but can be a difficult thing to do if we are used to doing things in a hurry and without thinking of expressing opinions, especially when this has been facilitated by the presence of social media.

Millennial Attitude Towards Election 2019

With the existence of social media at this time, of course, it can be seen that millennial also has a big role in the success of the 2019 election. Even the millennials have the courage to express their opinions and clearly see the current political conditions. Of course paying attention and attracting sympathy from millennials is not an easy thing because not a few children are quite apathetic about political matters.

The various things that have happened during the implementation process towards the 2019 election, of course, there are various millennial responses which need to be taken into consideration. But it would be better if millennials were also able to give a comprehensive assessment based on the helicopter’s perspective. They need to gather information and data to consider the right choice, so that the assessment cannot only be done from one side or just an opinion.

Being a critical millennium will indeed be very beneficial, but of course the various things that will be conveyed especially through social media also need to be considered well. Being a wise millennium and taking consideration and information of course will be very helpful to minimize the possibility of riots or even the development of hoaxes that are increasingly rampant. So that even though millennial does have such a great upheaval, every step taken must certainly be considered well especially when it comes to political affairs.

We can see that there are various debates on various social media related to politics, especially the presidential and vice-presidential elections, showing that there is a great deal of attention from the millennials regarding the development of the future. Of course this critical thinking must be directed to the right way so that the millennials do not get misguided especially in getting information as their basis for consideration. This good millennial attitude towards the 2019 election is of course by trying to digest all information obtained not only from one party but thoroughly.

* The author is a Contributor to the Indonesian Strategic Information Study Institute (LSISI)

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