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No Easing of PSBB, Stay at Home


By: Alfisyah Kumalasari )*

PSBB alias big social restrictions are not relaxed. The community is expected to remain silent at home, so that the spread of corona is not widespread. Do not just because of boredom instead walk around and endanger your own life.

Covid-19 virus still exists in Indonesia and the country is still in a state of health emergency. That was explained by Minister of PMK Muhadjir Effendy, this end of May. He asserted that there was no planned PSBB easing. So don’t break this rule and go out on your own.

Why is it still in a state of health emergency? Indeed many patients have recovered, but the number of people infected with corona is also still there. Those who are victims of the covid-19 virus are not only the public, but also medical personnel. More and more people are affected by corona disease, making this country still in a pandemic, because this virus has not really disappeared.

Maybe the public is confused when there are some acquisition that seems to show easing PSBB. For example, you can travel outside the city and your flights will be open to the public. However, this acquisition was issued for logical reasons, because those who were allowed to go outside the city or outside the island were those who actually carried out the task. For example medical personnel or experts who deal with corona.

If there are people who want to go out of town even though they are not medical personnel, it is also permissible. With a note of the reason for the trip is when there are parents or relatives who die or are seriously ill. Of course on the way to bring complete documents, such as KTP, Covid-19 virus free letters, and death certificates. The file must be shown to the officer on duty on the road, so that they are allowed to go.

If there is acquisition this does not mean there is easing of the CBDR. People should not go outside the home without a clear reason. Moreover, faking co-19 virus free letters, just because they want to go home. Understand that we are still in the pandemic phase, so stay at home so that the spread of corona does not extend to remote villages.

There are indeed several discourses to make the new normal, for example plans to slowly open markets, supermarkets, schools, and other public places from mid-June. Because the economic wheel must be moved again, so that no layer of society is affected by the corona. But this is still in the formulation period, and also tentative. This plan could have been canceled if only the number of patients infected with the covid-19 virus was still large and the regional red zone was still large.

Do not be angry and even protest government actions and even travel without even mask protection. Remember that this PSBB regulation was made for your own security. If only caught on the streets without any important purpose, then the authorities could be told to turn back to the house and even be fined a large nominal. You do not want to be fined, right?

Appreciate the sacrifice of medical workers who are hot, working while wearing hazmat clothes that are worn for more than 12 hours. They are the most prone to contracting corona. If you are orderly and only at home, then it will not be affected and infect the covid-19 virus. The number of patients will decrease and even disappear, and medical personnel will breathe with relief because they no longer risk their lives while on duty.

The PSBB will not be loosened yet, so refrain from going outside. Don’t go for a walk, because if you get caught by the authorities, you will be fined. If you need groceries and other items, buy them online. Follow the PSBB rules so that corona will leave Indonesia immediately.

)* Active writer in the Press Circle and Cikini Students

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