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Positive Community Response regarding Independent Vaccination


By: Deka Prawira) *

The government has issued regulations regarding the implementation of the Covid-19 vaccine program independently or in mutual cooperation for companies. This regulation is contained in the Regulation of the Minister of Health PERMENKES No. 10/2021 concerning the implementation of vaccinations in the context of overcoming the Covid-19 Pandemic.

It should be noted that the mutual cooperation vaccine is a vaccine that the company will give to its employees for free or at no cost.

Deputy Chairman of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) Shinta Widjaja Kamdani said that currently there are 8,300 companies that have registered to independently vaccinate Covid-19.

Of this number, he estimates, there will be around 6.7 million participants who will participate in the mutual cooperation vaccine.

Later, PT Bio Farma will carry out the vaccine distribution process directly. The plan is for Bio Farma to become an importer of Sinopharm vaccines from China and Moderna from the United States for the Mutual Cooperation / Independent vaccination program which will be carried out by private companies to employees / laborers.

The Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) is targeting the mutual cooperation or independent vaccination program to be implemented starting next April. This follows the agenda for the arrival of vaccines to Indonesia, which is scheduled to arrive at the end of March.

Nadia also emphasized the reason for the government choosing PT Bio Farma (Persero) as the only company that can import vaccines for mutual cooperation.

According to him, the appointment of bio-pharmacy is based on consultations between the health ministry and the corruption eradication commission (KPK).

On a different occasion, Chairman of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Rosan Roeslani, hopes that independent vaccination can start at the end of March. Rosan said that his party and the government had mutually agreed to allocate 20.2 million doses of vaccine.

The plan is that there will be 4 brands of vaccines that will be used in the independent vaccine program. Namely Sinopharm, Moderna, Sputnik and Johnson & Johnson.

Rosan also explained that the vaccine allocation will have a priority scale. The first priority is companies or business entities located in the red zone or areas that are at high risk of Covid-19 transmission.

Then, the second is prioritized for labor-intensive industries. Furthermore, companies that have influence on the Indonesian economy, as well as companies that require intense interaction with the community.

Meanwhile, the minister of health (Menkes) Budi Gunadi Sadikin has officially granted permission for Covid-19 vaccination through an independent route. This refers to Permenkes number 10 of 2021.

In accordance with this Permenkes, the company must record the employees who will receive the covid-19 vaccine and then give it to the Ministry of Health. The company will also fully bear the cost of the independent vaccine.

Previously, Spokesperson for the Covid-19 Handling Task Force Wiku Adisasmito said that vaccination is not the absolute solution to ending the pandemic.

Even though vaccinations have started, Wiku asked the public not to rely solely on vaccines. Wiku actually urged the public to remain disciplined in implementing health protocols.

In fact, he said that behavior change should be the main foundation in efforts to stop the transmission of the corona virus. So the 3M protocol, which includes: wearing masks, washing hands and keeping your distance, must continue to be applied.

Discipline in implementing health protocols is certainly not without reason, especially now that Indonesia has found a new case of the Covid-19 mutation, namely B117, which originated in the UK.

Wiku said, vaccines will help save lives, but if we rely only on vaccines, then we will make mistakes.

On a different occasion, Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir said the independent vaccination program is targeted to reach 75 million people. If things go according to plan, the target will be completed within 9 months.

Ian explained, from the Ministry of BUMN, 75 million people are targeted for independent vaccines. Meanwhile, for vaccines with assistance from the government, the figure could be the same or greater.

Independent vaccination is one of the efforts that companies can take with the aim of reducing the spread of the corona virus.

Companies that have registered their employees for vaccinations certainly have hopes that later their employees can work optimally and reduce anxiety about the potential for transmission of the corona virus in the work or industrial environment.

) * The author is a Cikini Press Circle Contributor and Student

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