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Prevention Radicalism Must Start Early


CIDISS. Campus is often a commodity in the spread of radicalism. This may be because the campus is identical with young people who are aggressive and have a high curiosity and are looking for identity.

Seeing that, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) also held guest lectures and public lectures related to the denial of radicalism. Not only prevention in the campus environment, in the general lecture was also emphasized the importance of prevention early on.

Head of Center for Peace and Security Studies (PSKP) UGM, M Najib Azca said, prevention of early radicalism is very important to do. This he emphasized based on some of the findings he experienced.

In a public lecture titled ‘Understanding the Propagation of Radicalism and Violence in the Name of Islam’ at the Mosque of UGM Campus on Saturday (18/11), Najib said early education should be highlighted because there are some educational institutions that instill the seeds of radicalism to children. For example through yells.

In addition, based on its findings, the spread of radicalism can also originate from the family environment. According to Azca, he had found a family of five and all of them were exposed to radicalism.

Regarding the role of the campus, Executive Director of the Lingkar Perdamaian Foundation, Ali Fauzi Manzi said the campus has a very strategic role in preventing radicalism. The man born in 1971 said that the campus can play a role by opening the younger generation’s understanding of the characteristics or indications of the radical movement. With that understanding, then the younger generation will be easier to counteract the exposure of radicalism.

He stressed that people should not judge a person by his appearance. Because according to him, many groups are accused of radical based on appearance when in fact they are a group that supports NKRI. Indications of radicalism can only be seen from the thoughts and ideas that are carried. Not appearance.

Countering radicalism that has spread is not easy, and must be done comprehensively. The thing we can do to minimize this is to take action against the radical actors. In addition must also try to protect the potential victims. And have awareness of each individual society, especially to children, because children are the next generation of Nations that must be protected.

By: Ajeng Mufadillah*)

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