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Reflecting the Values of Kartini

Happy Kartini Day
Happy Kartini Day

By: Dede August *)

Jakarta, CIDISS – Around 137 years ago, April 21th, 1879, a daughter was born in the city of Jepara, Central Java. She is Raden Ajeng (RA) Kartini who is regarded as a fighter of women’s emancipation to involve in the struggle to defend this nation. Until now there has exemplary RA Kartini is still alive and it is often used as symbolism for women who are active in the development and progress of this nation. RA Kartini figure is also known as a populist, compassionate, decent, industrious, optimistic, and a woman who is able to maintain a balance between science and ahlaq.

RA Kartini’s struggle was not in vain because of the presence of women in the development of the Indonesian has been recognized and considered. One result was the 30 per cent reservation of seats in Parliament for women politicians. In addition, there are many women who have dared to voice their aspirations. Some time ago, for example, nine women from Rembang, Central Java, planted their feet in a box of cement at the State Palace, Jakarta on 12 April 2016. It was a form of protest against the presence of a cement factory in the area in the mountains Kendeng (Rembang, Pati, Blora, and Grobogan). Though they reject what the government’s policy, but the courage to speak out and not just quietly accept the fate is something that should be appreciated.

In addition, today’s figure of RA Kartini emerged from the Unison Elections on 9 September 2015 ago. Their courage to compete with men for the progress of their area are not just an intention. Evidently, from approximately 852 regional head candidates, the presence of as many as 30 women candidates were elected, one of whom is the Mayor of Surabaya, Tri Rismaharani. Surely, this is a good sign indicating that women competitive framework of the development of this nation.

Unfortunately, now, there are also some women encounter persons that actually fall on things that are not exemplary and things that are against the ethics and morals of the nation of Indonesia. Some time ago, for example, a young girl with the initials SE in Medan, North Sumatra, had an argument debate with the security forces after she was stopped when she did a convoy with her friends after high school national exam. She also threatened the security apparatus with claimed that she was the daughter of one of the BNN officials. Then, there is also, Member of House Commission V of the PDIP faction, initialing as DWP who arrested by KPK on January 13th, 2016 for alleged bribery case. Some examples are certainly very much the example of RA Kartini.

Nevertheless, we should not constantly shackled in a condition that cannot be imitated as such because they also still have a chance to excel and repair image of women in Indonesia. Therefore, through the Kartini Day which falls every 21 April, we need to reflect the values ​​that are exemplary of RA Kartini. Kartini Day is not simply by imitating the style of this Indonesian Srikandi, but also practice attitude and fighting spirit of RA Kartini. Happy Kartini Day 2016! [DA]

*) CIDISS Contributor

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