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Responding Indonesian LGBT Movement

Rejection of LGBT in Jakarta
Rejection of LGBT in Jakarta

By: Basa Brawijaya *)

Jakarta, CIDISS – The existence of LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) is notable in Indonesia. The emergence of Indonesian LGBT movement is also triggered by the same-sex marriage legalized in some countries like the United States, France, Canada and even  Philippines. Some of international organizations, like the UN and the founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckeberg support the LGBT. The support in the form of money disbursed by the UN agencies, named the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) to establish a regional partnership with the Embassy of Sweden in Bangkok, Thailand and USAID. Funds amounting to US $ 8 million (about USD 108 billion) was disbursed with a focus on four countries: Indonesia, China, the Philippines and Thailand. The amount of support for LGBT people makes them fearless with the criticism in Indonesia.

LGBT has its own pros and cons in Indonesia. The absence of a government decision that poured through Act has confused the citizen  in facing LGBT present. In the human side, LGBT is a citizen of Indonesia that must be protected for the human rights. They have the right to choose their way of life. But they form promotion and propaganda in  Social media. Stickers Line and What’sapp emoticon has been promoting the symbols that are considered representative of the LGBT. Even LGBT communities have appeared mostly in Indonesia, which reached 200 communities.  They promote that love is not always to the same sex.

LGBT movement in Indonesia is considered harmful to the youth generation. Life choices they considered incompatible with the moral values of the nation. Indonesia is a nation that still upholds religious values, no religion that is approved the same-sex marriage or same-sex ‘love’ even we must love each other to make a peaceful world. It’s totally different.

The existence of LGBT considered corrupting the morals of the nation. LGBT intensified as the impact of globalization. Commission III members Aboebakar Al Habsy also assess the issue of LGBT harm. LGBT is now spreading is a new form of ‘proxy war’. “The world today the attitude of physical war no more, but a war of proxy, asymmetrical, non-traditional. But in the face and prevent the spread of LGBT should be done with a cool head as LGBT is also a citizen of Indonesia. The government should give a firm stance in dealing with the danger of the spread of LGBT, but it is must be done without discrimination. [BB]

*) CIDISS Contributor

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