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Reunion 212: Lack of Mass Action


By: Deca Ramadhan )*

The Alumni Fraternity (PA) 212 plans to return to Reunion 212. The activity is considered to be of little avail because it is only an ordinary gathering which can actually disturb Kamtibmas, damage the park, and even add a lot of garbage in the Capital region. In addition, Reunion 212 is also vulnerable to infiltration by stowaways to provoke the masses. If you want to do a prayer together, it can be done in each region without having to go to Jakarta.

The 212 movement, which was attended by tens of thousands of masses, was in fact able to put Ahok in prison. In this event, we have also seen many banners and posters supporting the caliphate, even HTI flags that have been banned have flown everywhere.

Last year, at the Jakarta city hall, Governor Anies Baswedan was demanded to revoke the permission to use the Monas Field for the reunion 212.

A group of people calling themselves the Do not disturb my Indonesian movement, they waited for Anies to meet them in front of the City Hall of DKI, Central Jakarta.

One of the orators, Boedi Jarot stated the reason, that they asked Anies to revoke the permission to use Monas for Reunion 212. According to them the event was very vulnerable to being infiltrated by political interests.

The demonstrators were also trying to push into the City Hall office which was heavily guarded by the police. Carrying the red and white flag, the crowd then stood in front of the gate of the town hall office.

The reunion which will be colored by millions of flags with the word monotheism has drawn criticism from the participants of the mass action. They reject the monotheism flag flying in Indonesia.

They say that our flag is red and white, not black, there is no monotheism flag, because monotheism is in the heart, not in the flag.

Boedi also regretted the attitude of Governor Anies Baswedan who actually gave permission to hold a 212 reunion.

Meanwhile, Chairman of the 212 Reunion Committee Awit Mashuri said that his party was seeking the return of the High Priest of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) Habib Rizieq Shihab to Indonesia, so he could attend the 212th alumni grand reunion at Monas Square on December 2, 2019.

They still suspect that Habib Rizieq has not been able to return to the country because of the alleged banning request from the Government of Indonesia to the government of Saudi Arabia.

Awit who is the Head of the FPI Khilafah Enforcement Division explained, one of the efforts to repatriate Habib Rizieq to Indonesia was to persuade the government of Saudi Arabia.

Habib Rizieq is a FPI figure who occupies an important position in the agenda of enforcing the Khilafah in Indonesia.

Of course we should be aware, with the return of Habib Rizieq in Indonesia, then it could become propaganda so that Indonesia would become a Khilafah country.

On a previous occasion, Ma’ruf Amin briefly explained the reasons for the rejection of the Khilafah in Indonesia. According to him, Indonesia stood by agreements between countries to become a state based on unity. This means that if Indonesia changes its ideology to a caliphate, then it is the same as breaking the agreement.

The Minister of Religion Fachrul Razi has also stressed that he will not provide a recommendation to extend the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) permit if it still includes the khilafah in its Statutes / Bylaws.

This also applies to other social organizations. It is known that the FPI Registered Certificate (SKT) in the Ministry of Home Affairs has expired since June 20th.

On Different Opportunities, Muslim scholar Alwi Shihab revealed a number of political elites in the reunion movement at that time attempted to move the middle and lower economic community to try to overthrow the government in similar ways used by organizations such as the Hizb ut-Tahrir in Syria.

One strategy used is to hold religious leaders, including the habib, in order to convince the public that the movement is based on Islamic teachings and values.

If the December 212 Reunion event is used to provoke or corner the government, then that means they are doing something in vain, even if they have a political agenda, the fact is that their lord also failed to get a presidency, instead now joining the cabinet led by former opponents politically.

We both already know who is behind Reunion 212, behind the movement, they are voicing the khilafah in Indonesia which can hurt the democracy that we have cared for, certainly not until the khilafah ideology will shift the Pancasila from the Unitary Republic of Indonesia.

)* The author is a social political observer

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