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Should Opposition Have 45 Percent Seats?


By: Indra Gunawan) *

Post Prabowo and Jokowi were involved in the reconciliation agenda. Amein Rais made a pretty phenomenal statement, where if really want reconciliation, the opposition camp must get a “quota” of cabinet seats by 45% according to the number of votes obtained in the 2019 Presidential Election.

            The statement certainly makes it quite difficult for us to examine the meaning and flow of thought of the request, especially after the reconciliation occurred between Jokowi and Prabowo on the MRT.

            Prabowo turned out to have met Amien Rais directly to convey the results of the meeting with Jokowi, in accordance with Janji Prabowo who would meet the elite of the opposition party after meeting Jokowi.

            With the meeting, of course Prabowo and Amien Rais had discussed something quite important related to the planned political direction after his defeat in the 2019 Presidential Election.

            Though some time before the meeting of Prabowo with Jokowi, Amien Rais made a statement that if he joined the ruler or the winner of the General Election, it would be “false opposition”, therefore, Amien Rais stressed that the opposition must be outside the government to remain opposition , so that it can guard the administration of the government, besides that it also feels uninterested in joining Jokowi’s camp.

            Even the counter-statements and scathing criticisms were often raised during Jokowi’s administration, such as criticizing infrastructure development that was too expensive, especially the construction of toll roads that could not be enjoyed directly by the public because the tariff was expensive, even the former chairman of the MPR did not agree if Prabowo met with Jokowi.

            However, after reconciliation, Amien Rais seemed to change course, where he stated that if the Jokowi camp wanted reconciliation then 45% of the cabinet seats must be from the opposition camp, the statement seemed to lick his own saliva. Where the one who used to often throw his disapproval, then wanted 45% of cabinet members to be the opposition stronghold.

            This is certainly irrelevant if the reference is 45 percent of the votes, because Jokowi as president has the prerogative in determining who will work with him.

            If based on the 45% request to enter the parliament, this is certainly not logical, because there are still factors supporting political parties which of course must be taken into consideration by Joko Widodo.

            Other considerations are regional representation, reliable professionals in their respective fields, all of which are certainly considered by the president in drafting his cabinet.

            Perhaps the thought of wanting to rule and rule Amien Rais has been so strong that he has “turned around” without shame and reluctance to the Indonesian people, and also to his political opponents in the 2019 election.

            For the statement, of course, let’s think that we try to make a prediction, that the party that has a coalition with Jokowi-not necessarily get a position given by President Jokowi. While those who lost and often used destructive narratives to delegitimize the KPU instead asked for office as much as 45 percent.

            In boxing matches, the pay between the winners and the losers is far different, another possibility is the statement Amin Rais is imagining that he is the one in power or he is the president. Therefore it is true, being a president in a dream.

            Hopefully this is not a sign of the greatness of Amien Rais, who often makes quite ridiculous terms. Coupled with a pretty strange offer and might confuse some parties.

            The offer submitted by Amien Rais was then considered strange by the chairman of the Golkar DPP Ace Hasan. Where the Jokowilah party won, the time period for Prabowo’s party – the password that regulated it.

            In addition, our society is still unstable, where psychologically, many Indonesians experience blind fanaticism about various government policies.

            In this situation, when we are still in the rush to study democracy, strengthening optional groups is an urgent need. Based on these needs, Pak Jokowi then has the opportunity as a change actor.

            Even though Amien Rais made a confusing statement, hopefully PAN opens itself up in communicating. Not only did the party yesterday coalition, but also with the competitor party until elected DPD members. This is intended so that communication is smooth and not stagnant.

) * The writer is a sociopolitical observer

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