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Society are Target of Radicalism Threats


By: Edi Jatmiko) *

Radicalism must be recognized that it is very dangerous for the peace of mankind, the teachings begin with intolerance to lead to acts of terror such as bombing or attacks on other religious communities. All parties must work together because radicalism still targets the community.

In a public lecture on the prevention of radicalism and the strengthening of national identity held by the Faculty of Philosophy UGM. Former terrorist Machmudi Haryono alias Yusuf, called on millennials not to be trapped in the pools of radicalism.

            Yusuf said that the students could comprehend something comprehensively. If there is news or understanding, then try to look for other comparisons so you don’t get caught up with the same things.

            On this occasion, he also told his experience while still in the vortex of radicalism decades ago. Yususf revealed that he had joined the Jamaah Islamiyah group and the Mujahideen Moro Islamic Liberation Front (Philippines).

            He claimed to be a jihadist because it was triggered by the Bosnian War. After seeing the video, he wanted to know more about why there was a conflict and there was a sense of sympathy why this could happen.

            In 2003 Yusuf was successfully secured and sentenced to 10 years in prison for his involvement in terrorism. But this time he has repented and actively helped the government in voicing peace and anti-radicalism and terrorism.

            In addition to Joseph on the occasion also presented Febby who was a victim of the explosion at the JW Mariot Hotel in Jakarta in 2003.

            Febby admitted that he still could not forget the dark tragedy that befell him. As a result of the bomb blast, Febby’s body suffered burns up to 45 percent. He also had to undergo a series of operations to restore the wound.

            He also admitted that as a result of the tragedy, his marriage almost failed, he suffered psychological trauma and spent a long time for physical and mental healing.

            Even though the incident happened more than 16 years ago, the feeling of trauma still exists in his mind. He acknowledged that it was not easy to recover from the trauma. At that time he routinely attended psychological counseling sessions to restore his mental health.

            The story shows that radical thinking can give birth to something that is destructive, in addition to being damaged ideology is also damaged physical and psychological human being, the more radical a person means the greater the chaos that can be caused.

            On different occasions, the Minister of Religion Fachrul Razi said there were three entrances to radical understanding through the world of education. The entrance to radicalism in the world of education, ranging from the curriculum, exam questions, to the role of the teacher.

            First, Fachrul said that radicalism was through the education curriculum and school exam questions. He once revealed the findings of the exam questions that contained the morals of the Prophet that were not exemplary. For him it was totally inappropriate.

            Then, the second entrance is an extracurricular program at the school. For this reason, he suggested that extracurricular coaches do not just walk by, they must go through teacher recommendations.

            With the entrance to radical understanding, Fachrul Razi asked all Islamic Religious Education Teachers and educational institutions to be aware of the entry of radical understanding through the world of education.

            The third door is through the teacher. He hoped that all PAI teachers and other instructors were asked to always bear Islamic lessons with Islamic values ​​that are rahmatan lil alamin.

            PAI teachers also play a role in controlling intolerant religious understanding through educating Islamic religious education.

            We all must be aware that in religion does not aim to hate fellow human beings with different understandings, in fact learning in religion must be able to strengthen the peace of fellow creatures of God.

            Studying religion does not mean to make someone think that Pancasila is a slut, or make it anti singing the Indonesia Raya song.

            Strengthening national values ​​must be inculcated both in schools and universities. Do not let educational institutions that give birth to intellectuals and then force fed with radical understandings that can undermine diversity.

            Radical understanding generally begins with an invitation not to be tolerant of other religious communities, then begins to hate it and disbelieve fellow believers. Alertness is certainly very necessary as a fortress themselves from the threat of exposure to radicalism.

) * Active writer in the circle of the Press and Cikini Students

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