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Society Welcomes Positive Gotong Royong Vaccine


By: Alfisyah Dianasari) *
Mutual cooperation vaccine, aka independent vaccine, is an alternative to national vaccination. When there is mutual cooperation, the queue will shorten the queue time. Because if everyone follows the government vaccine route, it will take up to 18 months. However, when there is a mutual cooperation vaccine, the vaccination will finish quickly and everyone will be free of corona.
This year-long pandemic has frustrated many people. There are those who have to be willing to have their businesses closed because people’s purchasing power has decreased drastically. There are also those who cry because they lose their jobs, because the company loses money. Therefore, when the corona vaccine entered Indonesia, they cheered happily. Because there is new hope for an end to the pandemic.
However, according to epidemiologists, a pandemic can only end after herd immunity is formed, which is a maximum of a year after vaccination. Even though the national vaccination program had just started in January 2021, and the queues could be more than a year. Because Indonesia’s population reaches 225 million people, the government has to wait a long time to get vaccines.
When the government wanted herd immunity to be formed immediately, a mutual vaccination route was opened. This means that people with employee status can get vaccine injections that are given inside the company. So they don’t have to queue very long to get the Sinovac vaccine from the government.
The community does not have to worry, because mutual aid vaccination will be regulated by the Ministry of Health, so that the administration is orderly. In addition, this vaccine is free, because the costs are borne by the company. So they don’t worry about having to pay hundreds of thousands of rupiah or have their salary cut to get a corona vaccine injection.
Shinta Widjaja Kamdani, deputy head of KADIN, stated that 8,300 companies have registered with the Ministry of Health to get the mutual cooperation vaccine. So that their employees will be vaccinated and have immunity from the covid-19 virus attack. Also free from office clusters, because all employees are healthy.
Of the 8,300 companies, it is estimated that there will be 6.7 million people who will get the vaccine. The company will take care and take full responsibility, so employees are just waiting for the time to get the vaccine. The Ministry of Health is getting ready for the success of the mutual aid vaccine.
Arrangements through the Ministry of Health are very reasonable, so that there are no procedural errors. First, the Ministry of Health will arrange the vaccines that will be brought to the office, and work closely with Bio Farma. So that employees will get a powerful vaccine and companies will not be afraid of being fooled by rogue drug distributors, because they fake the vaccines.
Second, the vaccine storage area must also be considered. Because the vaccine used is not only made by Sinovac (sinopharm), but also Moderna. So it needs to be checked again, whether cold storage is needed with a certain temperature. The goal is to keep the vaccine safe and not be damaged due to incorrect storage. Employees who get the injection will feel relieved, because of the good quality of the mutual cooperation vaccine.
Third, the injection must also be sterile and comply with health protocols. Everyone should wash their hands, wear a mask and keep their distance. If necessary, wear a double mask, a medical mask on the inside and a cloth mask on the outside.
Likewise, health workers who inject, must wear gloves. Do not let there be a new corona cluster because it does not comply with health protocols. Calamities like this can actually be avoided, as long as everyone is in order to obey the rules.
The mutual cooperation vaccines received by employees will accelerate the vaccination program in Indonesia. So that the estimated time of vaccination for 18 months, will be shortened to 12 months. Group immunity will quickly form, and the covid-19 virus will quickly disappear from Indonesia.

) * The author is a citizen living in Bogor

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