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Support Government’s Efforts to Eradicate Radical Ideology


By: Muhammad Ridwan) *

The government must develop a special strategy, to prevent the spread of radical ideas to the bottom line.

This radical understanding is indeed often the mastermind behind anrkhis’s actions and terrorism. The culprit seems to have been “washed” by the brain using distorted teachings. However, unfortunately these actors seemed unaware of the application of the teachings they received. They only know if there are parties who are not pro, it will be considered guilty.

These left-leaning actions not only dominate in their own country. In fact, its spread has worldwide. An example is the organization “ISIS” that is so controversial or has a hard line. The actions of this group have also been recognized by the people of the world. The movement itself is considered to be stagnant even though its leader has died blowing himself up, after refusing to surrender to the United States military.

This organization generally also has a neatly structured system, which includes; leadership, representatives, funding channel, public relations, maulun sections. Not only that, it was reported that this group would automatically change its leadership if the previous power holder was killed, or captured by the authorities. Thus, their possibility to retreat is near impossible.

In Indonesia itself, a group like ISIS is popularly known as JAD (Jamaah Ansharut Daulah) and also JI (Jamaah Islamiyah). These two radical groups started mobility in Indonesia like ordinary people, with various activities in general. However, they actively recruit members to enlarge their networks.

A number of parties are reported, if Indonesia itself has been exposed to this radical understanding. One example is the stabbing incident of former Coordinating Minister for Politics and Security, Wiranto in Pandeglang some time ago, according to reports, the perpetrators were adherents and affiliated with the JAD group. There is also other evidence related to the exposure of this dangerous notion that a Policewoman with the rank of Bripda in the Bekasi area. He was arrested and dismissed because he was also affiliated with JAD.

Nur Kholis, as the Chief of Police’s Expert Staff emphasized that the Policewoman case would be a serious discussion within the Police’s internal body. Therefore, the sanction of dismissal of members of the police affected by this radical understanding is the first. The intense spread of this threatening radical ideology is deemed necessary to be followed up immediately. Given this deviant group indiscriminately in recruiting its members. If even a police officer is exposed, it is not impossible to infiltrate the bottom line of the elements of society.

According to Halili, a Setara Institute Researcher, said that the radical ideology that enters the National Police institution is an indication of ‘extreme danger’ and it is fitting for the government to raise awareness. So, he suggested to design policies and special strategies to protect all state apparatus institutions from contracting this understanding.

One of them is by deploying the Government Internal Oversight Apparatus (APIP) to carry out regular audits of the ideology of state officials. Because the evaluation is assessed only to the performance also financial problems.

Responding to this, Deputy IV Presidential Chief of Staff, Eko Sulistyo, said that so far there was no specific policy to screen state officials. The relation is to detect exposure to radical understanding, so that the process of supervision is left to each of the relevant institutions and institutions. He added that the screening test could involve the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT), the Pancasila Ideology Development Agency (BPIP), and the State Intelligence Agency (BIN).

The magnitude of the threat of exposure to radical ideology is considered as a quite crucial danger. Remember, the victims themselves can come from any layer. Therefore, efforts to ward off these attacks must come from yourself. Including, providing support to the government to eradicate the lackeys of the group’s deviants at the root. In addition, the growth of a sense of oneness and unity is the most effective action to fortify oneself from all possibilities.

Because, this kind of group is reported to have received a number of patronations from citizens, as well as the state apparatus who want to pass their group’s goals. Supports for radical organizations can be in any form, including the supply of weapons to launch the action.

Maybe just being vigilant is not enough, we need to have a strong ideology based on Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution, and the principle of unity in diversity. Not to forget, the growth of tolerance towards interfaith followers also deserves to be a priority. Come on, eradicate radical ideologies that are becoming more brutal right now!

) * The author is a social political observer

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