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Support the 2020 Election free from Hoax


By: Agoes Abidin) *
Pilkada simultaneously counts only days. All parties also supported the 2020 elections that were free of hoaxes so that the democratic party would run smoothly as a manifestation of the maturity of democratic society.
Democracy party will be held again by Indonesian people in several regions in 2020. Election of Regional Head or Regional Election will take place in 270 regions, consisting of 9 Provinces, 37 Cities and 224 Regencies on 23 September. This moment is very important because the people will choose a trustworthy leader who is able to bring his region to a better and more advanced. Therefore, the 2020 simultaneous local elections should be supported by all elements of society so that they will be held safely, smoothly and free of hoaxes to create quality democracy.
It is undeniable that the elections are always colored by differences of opinion and choices as well as phenomena related to hoaxes or hoaxes that attack the pairs of Pilkada participants and their teams. Increased circulation of hoax is increasingly felt after the presence of social media (social media) such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Whatsapp and others because it has a wider reach and is easily utilized by all levels of society.
The 2020 elections must be maintained so that they are peaceful, dignified and democratic. This was said by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi). He also reminded that in the 2020 elections there is no longer SARA politics, hoaxes and expressions of hatred, slandering each other or blaspheming.
According to Commissioner of the General Elections Commission (KPU), Viryan Aziz, the importance of dialogue with experts and related institutions such as the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, Cyber ​​Crime Police Headquarters, and NGOs to reduce hoaxes and their impact on society, because if the hoax is still maintained, it is not impossible, the hoax will appear during the 2020 elections and cause conflicts between communities and it is feared that it will become a major horizontal conflict.
The cyberspace public is expected to not create, let alone participate in spreading negative content because in addition to the potential to create conflict, hatred and unrest, these actions are also criminal offenses threatened by the Information and Electronic Transaction Law (ITE Law).
Meanwhile, the candidates for the Pilkada participants and their supporters are expected to be able to create healthy competition and stay away from hoaxes to maintain conducive and security stability in the regions. The people want to hear innovative ideas that will be able to be realized for the sake of prosperity and development in the regions.
Democracy in Indonesia is tested. The government basically respects the freedom of expression of each individual to realize democracy in the country. However, do not let a healthy democracy be harmed by a burst of hoaxes and provocation to achieve the desires in the interests of certain parties and harm others and damage the sovereignty of the Indonesian people. A sense of brotherhood, solidarity, tolerance and love for the integrity of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia must be a part of every citizen in carrying out community life in the country.
Let’s realize the Simultaneous Election 2020 which is direct, public, free, confidential, honest and fair. Elections that have quality and peace without a hoax. ()

) * The author is a social political observer

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