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Support the Debureaucratization and Deregulation Program for the Improvement of Public Services


By: Bagus Ramadan) *

Support for the plan to cut bureaucracy and simplify government regulations began to arrive. This is expected to be able to improve the performance of the state apparatus better in public services.
The plan to cut bureaucracy and simplify government regulations seems to be starting and implementing. Although it is still waiting for the Omnibus Law draft, the implementation of this simplification is expected to be able to improve the performance of the state apparatus to be better in order to realize a more advanced Indonesia.
Sri Mulyani as Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani asked the ASN to provide support for the planned simplification of regulations and bureaucratic efficiency. He also encouraged employees in his ministry to increase capacity in serving the community and other stakeholders.
He said he also responded to the main priorities and programs in order to improve reforms and keep regulations simpler and more efficient. He emphasized to all staff that there were no functional officials, because all were required to have a professional attitude, increase competence and integrity in order to serve, even though in fact they had the title of official.
Previously President Jokowi had announced this plan during his inauguration speech. He asked for government echelon positions to be circumcised to be only two levels. And changed to a functional position. The instructions were then responded to by various institutions or ministries. One of them was managed by Minister Sri Mulyani earlier. Sri Mulyani is said to have begun to abolish echelon III and IV positions. Including transferring 112 related echelon officials to fill functional positions.
Jokowi rate, if the simplification of bureaucracy must continue to be carried out on a large scale to create jobs. The shrinkage of the bureaucracy is intended to create a bureaucracy that is more dynamic, agile, and professional as an effort to increase effectiveness and efficiency in order to support the performance of related parties.
Although the echelon positions will be cut, Jokowi said that later administrative tasks by echelon III and IV will be transferred using artificial intelligence (AI). He stated that he had instructed the MenPAN (RB) for this AI system. So that the Indonesian bureaucracy will be faster and more advanced.
For information, not all echelon III and IV will be transferred to functional positions. There are three bureaucratic simplification criteria for excluded structural positions. This is stated in the Minister Circular (PAN-RB) Utilization of the State Apparatus and Bureaucratic Reform, with number 393 in 2019. Namely about the strategic steps and real simplification of the Bureaucracy with the following details;
First, it has the duties and functions as the head of a work unit with authority and responsibility in the use of the budget and users of goods or services.
Second, bureaucratic summarization is also excluded for echelons who have duties and functions related to authority and authority, legalization, approval, document approval, and territorial authority.
Third, exceptions to other criteria and special conditions. This depends on the proposals of each ministry or agency to the Minister of PAN-RB who oversees it. As material for estimating the position determination required for his position as an echelon III and IV structural officer.
On the other hand, the realization of the echelon circumcision is planned to be realized next year, namely in 2020. Jokowi reiterated that next year echelon III and IV will still be cut.
Nevertheless, Jokowi said that the overhaul was still dependent on the omnibus law that was being prepared by the government. Based on this Omnibus Law, it is suspected that the government plans to revise as many as 74 laws relating to ASN echelon system cuts.
) * The author is a social political observer
Judging from the fact the performance of the state apparatus is indeed often annoying a number of parties, especially the public. Because, many of us see ASN employees who incidentally live well off of government salaries have not shown maximum performance. Even if there were, of course, only a handful of people.
So that the President’s efforts to cut bureaucracy and simplify this regulation should be supported. Because the state and its people cannot continue to stagnate just because the state of the bureaucracy is judged to be stuck.
It is not impossible if this plan can be realized soon it will be able to increase the nation’s growth towards a better direction. Including being able to save the state budget. Besides that, it can minimize the performance gap between ASN and level it up so that it becomes more optimal and efficient.

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