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Support the Independent Vaccination Program


By: Ade Istianah) *

Independent vaccination is being promoted by the government, as it will accelerate the national vaccination program. When there are 2 routes, the more Indonesian citizens will get the vaccine injection. So that the pandemic status can end quickly, after everyone is corona free.

Independent vaccination had caused a stir in the community because they thought they had to pay hundreds of thousands of rupiah. But they are relieved that the cost is 100% free. Because the cost of vaccination is borne by the company. The employees are excited because they are waiting for their turn to be injected, and get immunity from the covid-19 virus.

When there is an independent vaccination that is handled by the company, it will avoid the recklessness of people who want to be vaccinated immediately, but have not received an SMS from the Ministry of Health. Because there are those who have the ambition to be injected with vaccines and are willing to fly abroad to get them. Even though currently it is still PSBB, so it is hoped that it will stop mobility abroad.

Siti Nadia, spokesperson for the covid-19 vaccine at the Ministry of Health stated that independent vaccination is regulated through the Ministry of Health. The community welcomes this arrangement, because it is the authority of the Ministry of Health to administer vaccinations in Indonesia. If the Ministry of Health regulates it, it will certainly run smoothly, because they are experienced with polio vaccination and other types of vaccinations.

This arrangement can also prevent the self-vaccination program from straying. When the Ministry of Health collaborates with Bio Farma for vaccine distribution, it will get the original vaccine. Do not let a company be tempted by cheap imported vaccines, which are obtained from channels other than official distributors, that the contents are fake.

When self-vaccination is regulated by the Ministry of Health and must register first, the procedure will be regulated. The Ministry of Health will send a doctor or other health worker in charge of injecting, and suggest arranging a vaccination room. There is a distance between the queue seats so that you can still comply with physical distancing. In front of the room there is a container for washing hands or distributing hand sanitizers.

In addition, the health worker on duty will tell you about the effects of the corona vaccination. This vaccine is guaranteed to be safe and passes the BPOM test. However, the effect is minimal, namely soreness in the hand that was hit by the injection, easy hunger, and drowsiness. So that after vaccination, employees are allowed to go home, so they can rest optimally.

When vaccination is carried out in companies, it will reduce the risk of corona transmission from family clusters and office clusters. The office cluster was formed because many employees were not disciplined in wearing masks, and were careless because they didn’t clean the air conditioner. Even though corona can be transmitted through dirty and stuffy air such as air-conditioned office space.

The family cluster is formed from fathers or other family members who are still working in the office or outside the home. They are at risk of transmitting the corona to children who only do activities at home. If father and mother get the independent vaccine from their office, they will be immune from the covid-19 virus and are not afraid to pass it on to children.

When the two clusters are no longer formed, the number of corona patients will decrease. The corona case in Indonesia will ramp up rapidly, then the pandemic will be declared over. Because the virus is completely gone. With a note, after independent vaccination, everyone still has to maintain health protocols and maintain immunity and hygiene.

Do not be careless after being vaccinated from the independent route. Keep wearing a mask, not only when going to the office, but also when working there. Discipline to adhere to protocols must be practiced every day, so that we are all healthy. Independent vaccines make employees even more fit because they can be free from corona transmission.

) * The author is a citizen living in Bandung

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