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Supporting the Advanced Indonesian Minister of Cabinet Performance


By: Rahmat Siregar) *

Indonesian cabinet ministers are advancing immediately after the inauguration of gas. This is done so that the national development program can be realized immediately. Therefore, it is hoped that the support of all parties will ensure that the development program can run smoothly.

Like a government system that is unable to walk alone, mental and psychological support indirectly makes the recipient feel “perfect”. The link is in the steps towards more advanced Indonesia. Although often considered small, patronage from outsiders will more or less affect their performance in government. Similarly, the President will be “limping” when there is no support from his new cabinet minister. Therefore, the call to always support and evaluate every work made by elements of government, is considered quite crucial.

After the inauguration of the former mayor of Solo was followed by his new line of ministries, it was hoped that he would be able to realize the work programs of Jokowi – Ma’ruf for the next five years. Various patronations did not only come from Jokowi’s supporters, but also those who had previously become rivals in the presidential election several months ago.

Logically, a country has a national target or dream that is very epic and beneficial for Nusa and the Nation. Furthermore, if you want to realize international ideals, then you must precede the realization of national ideals.

There are many ways you can do to realize these ideals, including Geostrategy. Geostrategy is a national goal which is implemented through the use of natural resources (SDA) and human resources (HR). Collaborating with these two elements will accelerate the achievement of the country.

Therefore, it needs encouragement and support of all elements of society in realizing the ideals of the country. Especially with regard to the performance of the Indonesian government cabinet Forward. Why is this support so important?

if only the government moves to advance the nation, while the community does not participate, then what happens is the imbalance of the government system. Which will result in state governance. Even with the community certainly need support from the government such as in the economic or scientific fields.

In this context, President Joko Widodo has also stated five directives related to the big work that will be carried out by the government in the next five years. Among them are, First, to realize the development of human resources. Second, continue infrastructure development. Third, simplifying regulations and their constraints. Fourth, summarizing the bureaucracy on a large scale. And fifth, the economic transformation of natural resource dependencies also becomes manufacturing competitiveness.

Based on the five points above, it is likely that President Joko Widodo has learned about Indonesia’s problems in the next 5 years. So, Jokowi is considered to be very familiar with how to bring Indonesia forward.

Meanwhile, the new face in the composition of Jokowi’s cabinet volume 2 has created a perception among the public. The demands of the times that continue to experience development must be balanced with the quality of the Ministry that also adjusts to the developments that occur.

According to Djayadi Hanan, as the Executive Director of Saiful Mujani Research and Consulting (SMRC), the names of ministers who were lined up were in accordance with Jokowi’s wishes. Namely, which has a program in accordance with the progress of the times. Including being able to embrace the millennial, creative economy and also the use of the digital economic system.

In addition, it has provided evidence related to the creation of creativity and innovation that are needed and have the leap desired by the President for the next five years. He added, when viewed in terms of regional representation, the composition of the cabinet is now appropriate and is considered quite qualified in terms of expertise.

According to reports, Jokowi also has a number of ministerial names whose achievements are not only at the national level. But also on an international scale. Many of the names of Jokowi’s cabinet volume 2 are considered quite credible in supporting the administration of the former mayor of Solo. This is in accordance with the nature of the President of the Republic of Indonesia, which is popular with his “fast moving” in overcoming problems. Jokowi does not want if the country’s challenges are getting bigger and not balanced with people who are able to survive, it will certainly affect all performance.

Supporting the performance of the advanced Indonesian cabinet is the first step in accelerating development. With patronage, internally and externally, the government and its cabinet will optimize the implementation of the state program. No need to worry about discordant voices out there, the most important thing is the belief in a more advanced Indonesia is waiting in front of our eyes.

) * The author is a political observer

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