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Supporting the Eradication of Radical Ideology in Indonesia


By: Muhammad Zaki) *

The Latent Dangers of Radicalism in Indonesia are already quite alarming, people exposed to radicalism such as viruses that spread to various parts of the country. Even a police officer is not immune to radicalism.

Radicalism does not seem to look at the background. One of the cases was experienced by a former Policewoman with the initial N. National Police Spokesperson, Dedi Prasetyo said, N turned out to have been prepared to become a suicide bomber or suicide bomber. Currently, N has also been fired because he was influenced by radical ideology.

            The 23-year-old former policewoman was previously arrested by the Anti-Terrorism Detachment 88 last May at Juanda Airport for alleged links to terrorist networks. It is known that for a full month he left duty without permission and used a false identity while flying from Ternate to Surabaya.

            It is suspected, N was exposed to the understanding of radicalism through social media and self-taught. Certainly the infiltration of radicalism into the National Police institution is extraordinary and should be a vigilance of the Government.

            Chairperson of the Indonesian National Volunteer Committee Korni, said that there are two ideologies that are dangerous in Indonesia, namely religious radicals and secular radicals.

            Korni Chairperson, M. Basri stated, the radical understanding of religion is a movement to replace the ideology of Pancasila with a religion-based ideology, while the secular radical ideology is an understanding that wants to separate Pancasila from religious values. Both are equally a real threat to peace in Indonesia.

            Radical understanding of religion is certainly very dangerous, because it brings the virus of coercion of will, hatred, hostility and intolerance, with the aim of changing religious ideology and will be a major threat to Pancasila.

            As Indonesian citizens, of course we must understand that Pancasila is an Indonesian state ideology that is a gift from God Almighty (YME) which reflects the value of differences in life but can be united in diversity. And, the meaning of values ​​contained in Pancasila is in accordance with the teachings of all religions in Indonesia.

            We have a vaccine against the attack of radical thoughts, namely by implementing Pancasila in daily life, both in social life, nation and state, as well as in mindset, life behavior to the product of the rule of law in accordance with the values ​​of Pancasila.

            The government also did not remain silent about the spread of radicalism, as evidenced after the issuance of the Public Order Regulation which led to the dissolution of the Indonesian Hizb ut-Tahrir (HTI), now it was the turn of Jamaah Ansharud Daulah (JAD) who suffered a similar fate. The freezing verdict on JAD is because the organization is proven to have violated the terrorism law.

            But the decision was in fact rather late. In 2017 the United States Department of State has designated JAD as a terrorism organization affiliated with ISIS. Nevertheless the government’s step in banning JAD certainly deserves to be appreciated as one of the real efforts to eradicate terrorism.

            Of course we know that JAD has a long track record related to its involvement in a number of acts of terror in the country. As a case of terror in 3 churches in Surabaya which killed dozens of lives. After the sentencing of judges related to the freezing and banning of JAD, the security forces and the military have arrested no fewer than 200 people who were suspected of being affiliated with the organization.

            The verdict on the ban on JAD, as an organization which is an important exponent of the spread of radicalism in Indonesia, certainly complicates the steps of the radical network in spreading ideology and recruiting new members. However, this condition does not necessarily mean the end of the radical movement in Indonesia.

            The Deradicalization Program should not only touch the perpetrators and families of terrorists who have been captured, but also touch the wider community. So there needs to be a systematic effort to prevent radical practices that spread massively in the community, so that terrorists are not caught and new terrorists are born from among the unexpected.

            Radicalism is certainly a threat that does not play for the existence of the Nation and the State. The destructive effects it creates, such as a variety of life-threatening terror acts that destabilize the economic joints and weaken the social ties of society. Either way, Radicalism must be eradicated.

) * The author is a social political observer

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