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Supports Control of FPI Symbols and Attributes


By: Yasin) *

The Islamic Defenders Front was officially disbanded in 2020. Thus, various symbols and attributes related to FPI must be put in order.

The government has officially dissolved FPI. In line with this, the then Chief of the Indonesian National Police (Kapolri), Idham Azis, issued an announcement regarding the prohibition of the FPI symbol in the community. it is written in, Chief of Police Number Mak / 1 / I / 2020 dated January 1, 2021 regarding compliance with the prohibition of activities, use of symbols and attributes and termination of activities of the Islamic Defenders Front.

              In his Declaration, Idham asked the public not to be involved either directly or indirectly in supporting and facilitating activities and using FPI symbols and attributes.             

              He also asked the public to immediately report to the appropriate authorities if they found FPI activities, symbols and attributes and did not commit acts that violated the law.

              The former National Police Chief also asked the public not to access, upload and disseminate FPI-related content either through websites or social media.

              This has been confirmed by the Head of the Public Relations Division (Kadiv) of the National Police, Inspector General Argo Yuwono.

              Previously, the government had also issued a Joint Decree (SKB) signed by six Ministries and Agencies.

              The SKB is numbered 220-4780 of 2020, Number M.HH.05.05 2020, Number 690 of 2020, Number 264 of 2020, Number KB / 3 / XII / 2020, Number 320 of 2020 concerning Prohibition of activities, use of symbols and attributes as well as termination of FPI activities, the SKB is stipulated and takes effect from December 30, 2020.

              One of the points in the SKB relates to the prohibition of carrying out activities, the use of FPI symbols and attributes in the jurisdiction of Indonesia.

              Coordinating Minister for Political, Law and Security Affairs Mahfud MD said that FPI is a prohibited organization and no longer has a legal standing either as a mass organization or an ordinary organization.

According to him, the prohibition of FPI is in accordance with the decision of the Constitutional Court (MK) Number 82 PUU 11 2013 dated 23 December 2014 that the government has banned FPI activities.             

              In the absence of legal standing, the former judge at the Constitutional Court also asked the regional government to take firm action against organizations that carry the name FPI.

              There are at least six reasons underlying the ban, including to maintain the existence of ideology and state consensus, the contents of FPI’s articles of association are deemed to be contrary to the Ormas Law, FPI is said to have not extended its Registered Certificate as a Community Organization (ormas) and a number of FPI management and members are involved. terrorism is also another criminal act.

              On different occasions, the Wonogiri Police will enforce the law if there are findings or there are activities related to the prohibited organization. This is of course in response to the central government policy which has determined that FPI has become a banned organization in Indonesia.

              Until now, the situation in Wonogiri is still conducive, there has been no mobilization of masses and the like. Of course, people are urged not to be provoked and to maintain tolerance among religious believers.

              Kapolres Wonogiri AKBP Christian Tobing said structurally the existence of FPI mass organizations was not recorded in Wonogiri. Even so, his party still collects data and information with the support of intelligence. Thus, if there is a potential problem, it can be handled immediately.

              On a different occasion, Kapolsek Makasar, East Jakarta Commissioner Saiful Anwar said that his party allowed a volunteer team from FPI to provide assistance to flood victims. The condition is that the volunteers do not wear organizational attributes.

              Previously, the police also disbanded a team of volunteers who were providing assistance to flood victims in Cipinang Melayu, East Jakarta, because they were wearing FPI attributes.

              Of course, the consequence of the issuance of the decree is that no more parties are allowed to use the names and various attributes of FPI in activities in the community.

              So that all former FPI members must respect and uphold legal aspects. Therefore, the Ministry of Religion also asked former FPI leaders and members to obey the government’s final decision.

              Ministry of Religion spokesman Abdul Rochman also appealed to all elements of the nation to continue to maintain conduciveness and invite the Indonesian people not to be easily provoked by groups who are dissatisfied or have other interests behind the disbandment of FPI.

              Control of FPI Symbols and Attributes, of course it is hoped that the former FPI can take part in the nation through new and better channels.

) * The author is a citizen living in Bogor

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