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Supports Large Scale Social Limitation Policies


By: Ahmad Kosasih) *

The government adopted a policy of large-scale social restrictions in suppressing the rate of spread of the Corona Virus or Covid-19. This Government Policy is believed to be appropriate and appropriate when compared to lockdown or quarantine options for areas that have a far greater negative impact.

Lately, physical distancing has become the focus of the government. Because the appeal related to Covid-19 is considered just a breeze ago. Many residents still gather and move freely in the public sphere as if without fear of contracting the Corona virus. In its report, the government has taken a number of actions. Including carrying out Ratas (limited meetings) related to Covid-19 on Monday (3/30). It was stated, in the Ratas obtained 9 important points. Which includes, among others;

First, the imposition of social restrictions on a large scale. Second, prepare Perppu as a legal basis to strengthen social restrictions. Third, the planned reallocation of APBN / APBD funds to help people affected by COVID-19. Fourth, the provision of sufficient medical devices and virus testing equipment. Fifth, private parties are allowed to conduct CPR tests in direct coordination with the Ministry of SOEs. The sixth point is, certainty of the availability of food in special quantities.

Seventh point, prioritizing the making of PPE for domestic needs. Eighth point, door to door screening by the health center. Ninth, local governments are allowed to take their own policies, but only to the district area.

President Jokowi also requested that there be large-scale social restrictions. Thus, future physical distancing will be carried out more decisively, disciplined, and more effectively. To support this policy, Jokowi also asked to prepare regulations related to this matter. The implication is as a guide for provinces, districts and cities so that they can all work together.

Jokowi also touched on quarantine related to the region. That the quarantine is the authority of the central government and not the regional government, as they know.

This was shared by Doni Monardo, as Chair of the Covid-19 Handling Task Force. He said if yesterday Ratas had produced a decision that the government would implement large-scale social restrictions. This refers to three rules, namely Law No. 24/2007 related to Disasters, Law No. 6/2018 related to Health, and Government Regulation in Lieu of Law (Perppu) No. 231959 regarding Hazardous Conditions. He also expressed if this will be calculated carefully and thoroughly.

In other words, the government does not merely follow all regulations carried out in a number of countries. Because, it is feared that the rules followed are not effective and instead have the potential to cause new impacts. In fact, in a concept of disaster management it is not permissible for new potential impacts or new problems.

In this regard, Doni said that the President would issue a Perppu. However, it is not yet clear what Perppu will be issued later. Because, he considered Perppu requires a number of careful discussions and calculations.

Meanwhile, DPR Chairwoman Puan Maharani during the Opening of Session Period III of the 2019-2020 Session Year stated, if needed, the DPR could understand and support the corona virus control system by implementing limited isolation along with quarantine. This is in accordance with the provisions of Law Number 6 Year 2018 relating to Quarantine.

In line with the statement of the Chairperson of the DPR RI, University of Indonesia sociologist Imam Prasodjo also invited all people to build solidarity in preventing corona outbreaks. If solidarity is not established, then Indonesia is likely to be hit by a tsunami of patients due to the virus. He appealed, so that in this era of creation of solidarity from all parties and remind each other in a critical situation that we are experiencing.

The implementation of large-scale social restrictions is expected to be able to have a significant impact on improving the quality of healing to the decline in public exposure to the COVID-19 virus. In the future, all parties are asked to continue to carry out synergies, work together to support and overcome this global epidemic.

The application of this policy is of course in the mutual interest. If all parties are unable to work together, the choice is only two, survive or die because of Corona. Therefore the state continues to warn that this time all elements without exception to “obey” with orders and government recommendations related to Corona virus prevention. Hopefully, this epidemic will soon be over and things will improve as before.

) * The author is a social political observer, active in the study of the Jakarta Student Press Association

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