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Supports the Ministry of Home Affairs to Disband FPI


By: Edi Jatmiko ) *

FPI has gone too far, defending Rizieq Shihab, even though he is a suspect. The disbandment of FPI is a discourse, because they keep acting up and breaking the law. The Ministry of Home Affairs revealed that the FPI permit was not extended, so the mass organization could be dissolved quickly.

When FPI was founded 22 years ago, the community was shocked because there was a mass organization that promised to defend the people. But in fact, they always disappoint. Because instead of defending the ummah, instead they carried out acts of intolerance and damaged peace in Indonesia. Apart from that, FPI members also often speak with anarchist tone and cause public anxiety.

The community supports the discourse of disbanding FPI, because they are tired of playing the victims . When their activities were disbanded, for example when they held a sweeping without permission from the police, they became angry and accused the apparatus of all kinds. FPI also enforces the establishment of a khilafiyah state and rejects Pancasila, so that it can be categorized as separatist.

The dissolution of FPI can also be done easily, because the permit is not extended. The Ministry of Home Affairs, as the party that granted the mass organization license, did not give an extension, so it could be said that this mass organization had an illegal status. Kapuspen Kemendagri Benny Irwan stated that the FPI permit status expires in June 2019.

Benny Irawan continued, actually FPI is taking care of extending the mass organization’s permit, but until now this has not been granted. The reason is because there are requirements that have not been fulfilled. So the Registered Certificate (SKT) cannot be issued. Meanwhile, the former Minister of Religion Fachrur Razi, when he was still in office, stated that FPI still had not completed its statutes, so the permit had not yet been issued.

The dissolution of FP I by the Ministry of Home Affairs can be done quickly. First, because the organization’s license failed to renew. When an organization is deemed illegal, the Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Law and Human Rights, and Ministry of Religion can dissolve it. Because the permit is very important, as a guarantee that these organizations will not cause trouble in Indonesia.

In Law number 17 of 2013 article 2, concerning social organizations, it is stated that the principles of a social organization must not conflict with Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution. change the basis of the country, at will.

Here, there needs to be firm action from the Ministry of Home Affairs to bring the FPI in order. When the permit is not renewed, what are you waiting for? Instead of taking vigilante actions and holding sweeps without permission, it would be better to just disband them. Instead of disturbing the peace in society because of the actions of individuals who promised to defend the people, but in reality they hurt the people.

The community has also supported the dissolution of the mass organization and fully supports the steps of the Ministry of Home Affairs to not only reprimand, but immediately act tough by stopping all FP I actions in the field. These mass organizations acted in thuggish ways and violated the rights of others, by demonstrating and hurting the officers who were on guard.

Even though the demonstration that FPI conducted during the Covid-19 pandemic was very dangerous, because it could cause the new corona cluster . When they were put in order, the participants in the demonstration became angry, because they felt that their right to express their opinions was prohibited. Are they not afraid of getting corona? The proof of the hundreds of demonstrators, there are 22 people who positively covid, after testing rapid .

When F PI doesn’t want to be disciplined and reprimanded for good, then just dissolve it immediately. Because they are proven to often commit acts of anarchy and preach with hate speech . As well as destroying peace between people in Indonesia and always raising the issue of SARA. FPI’s dismissal is also allowed, because the orma’s license is no longer extended by the Ministry of Home Affairs.

) * The author is a contributor to the Cikini Press Circle and Students

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