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Supports the Prohibition of FPI Attributes


By: Raavi Ramadhan) *

Opinion, suaradewata.com – After the government disbanded FPI, its attributes were also prohibited. All posters, billboards, to t-shirts with the inscription of FPI must not be displayed in public. This regulation already has a legal umbrella, namely the SKB 6 officials regarding the dissolution of FPI, so that it cannot be contested.

FPI officially disbanded in December 2020. The public is grateful for the disbandment of FPI, because there are no more mass organizations that go wild and destroy peace in Indonesia. This mass organization is really unsettling, because it often carries out hate speeches and sweeping, thus making people embarrassed. When FPI disbanded, automatically all of its attributes were also prohibited.

What is meant by attributes are all media that use the FPI logo and writing, both printed and electronic. For example posters, billboards, t-shirts, to websites and profile photos on social media. If there are netizens caught displaying the FPI logo, they can be reported to the authorities.

The prohibition of the FPI attribute does not only occur in cyberspace. In their daily life, the attributes of this mass organization should not be present, even when they volunteer. For example, when there was a flood around Jakarta some time ago, the former FPI member was prohibited from wearing the T-shirt bearing the mass organization logo. All equipment bearing the inscription of FPI is also strictly prohibited.

Inspector General Argo Yuwono, Head of Public Relations Division at the National Police Headquarters, stated that with the announcement, every member of the National Police is obliged to issue the necessary actions in relation to statutory regulations or police discretion.

The edict in question is the Declaration of the National Police Chief Number Mak / 1 / I / 2020 dated January 1, 2021 which contains an appeal that the public does not support and facilitate FPI activities. The community is also prohibited from wearing the FPI’s attributes and symbols. When someone violates, they can be dealt with right away.

This prohibition is considered very reasonable, because so far the FPI has caused a lot of confusion, by conducting raids at will. The smallest FPI logo is prohibited, because it can influence other people who see it. So that they will remember FPI and fear that they will become sympathizers again.

If someone asks, does it mean that the government is afraid of FPI so that the logo is prohibited? Of course not like that. The government is not afraid of former FPI members. In fact, this prohibition was carried out so that the FPI would not be reborn. This mass organization has created too much chaos, so reborn is prohibited, so that peace in the community is always maintained.

When there is a neo FPI containing the same people, it will be quickly disbanded, because this mass organization is not registered with the Ministry of Home Affairs. Former FPI members are prohibited from forming new mass organizations with the same or nearly the same name, if planning the same activities as the old FPI. Because their activities have made the community uneasy, since there have been raids that have damaged tolerance between people.

Apart from that, don’t let the former FPI members get even easier, because there are some people who support it. By providing a meeting place, giving funds, etc. FPI has been declared a banned organization. Therefore, it is only natural that the logo should not be displayed as real.

FPI, its former members, and its logo, were banned because they were proven to be involved in a terrorist network. FPI members are entangled in terrorism cases, ranging from planning bombings to hiding terrorists. They were also betrayed by ISIS, so they became members of radical and separatist mass organizations.

The prohibition of the FPI attribute does not surprise the public. In fact, they are happy because if the FPI disbands, the logo will automatically be prohibited. Former FPI members cannot wear the attributes, even if it is only small writing on t-shirts or other objects. In addition, the FPI logo may not be posted on social media or personal blogs.

) * The author is a citizen living in Bekasi

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