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The Capital of the New Country The Gateway to Building the Glory of the Nation


By: Ahmad Kurniawan )*

President Joko Widodo’s decision to move the National Capital from Jakarta to Kalimantan should be appreciated. The transfer has proven that Jokowi is a visionary leader to build the nation’s glory.

The relocation of the national capital has carried out an in-depth study and is projected for the long term. At least Jokowi is not only thinking about the Indonesian nation for the next 5 years, but also thinking about the long term. Where the nation’s generation will reap the benefits of the construction of the New State Capital.

The former Surakarta Mayor has shown his courage and commitment to change.

Previously, Jokowi had said that the burden of DKI Jakarta and Java was already so heavy. He wants an even distribution of national development that is Indonesian centric.

He also said, the relocation of the capital city could be a momentum for Indonesia in giving beautiful gifts to the world. Therefore, the former Governor of DKI Jakarta hopes that in the future the new capital will not only move the central government.

This certainly must be realized by all parties, that Indonesia is a great nation. Not only Java, but includes Sabang to Merauke.

Movement of the capital is also believed to reduce disparities between regions. Moving the capital outside Java will also encourage trade between regions, especially trade between Java islands, and between regions outside Java.

The nation’s generation must also realize that building a National Capital does not only build government buildings, but also develops a new order of life.

Meanwhile, the results of the study of the Ministry of National Development Planning / National Development Planning Agency (Bapenas), the transfer of the national capital (IKN) to East Kalimantan will have a positive economic impact through investment channels. This impact will be felt not only in the short term, but also in the long term.

Bambang Brodjonegoro as Head of Bappenas said, in the construction period or in the short term, infrastructure investment to build a new capital will create economic growth in Kalimantan and surrounding areas.

Bappenas projects an increase in real investment in East Kalimantan to reach 47.7 percent, an increase in real investment in Kalimantan by 34.5 percent, while an increase in real investment in Indonesia is 4.7 percent.

Development investment in the new capital region will automatically encourage increased output in other sectors in East Kalimantan and other provinces. In East Kalimantan, the highest output during the construction period will occur in the construction, health, restaurant, cement, trade and other sectors.

While in South Sulawesi, the most positive affected areas will experience an increase in the cement, mining and livestock sectors to supply food needs in East Kalimantan.

In the short term, the relocation of the nation’s capital will also encourage economic growth and employment opportunities. Increased real economic growth in East Kalimantan could reach 7.3 percent, on Borneo Island 4.7 percent, while in Indonesia 0.6 percent. While increasing employment opportunities on the island of Kalimantan reached 10.5 percent and 1.0 percent nationally.

The progress of moving the capital has become a momentum for construction service entrepreneurs to prove that Indonesia is also able to build infrastructure in a relatively short time.

After the end of the construction period, the operation of a new capital city that is accompanied by connectivity between East Kalimantan and other regions in Indonesia will have a greater economic impact.

While the long-term transfer of the capital city is, income inequality will decrease along with increased employment opportunities, where employment opportunities in East Kalimantan will increase 10.9 percent and Kalimantan Island 5 percent.

The disparity between regions in Indonesia must be eradicated sooner or later, this is of course in accordance with the values ​​that exist in Pancasila.

Of course we already know that the island of Java is still too dominant for the Indonesian economy. The transfer of the capital was also carried out to change the mindset from jawasentris to Indonesiasentris.

Later the new capital will be launched to be able to represent the nation’s identity, improve effective and efficient government management and implement a smart capital, green and beautiful city. Of course this will be a legacy for future generations of the nation. )* The author is a citizen living in Tangerang

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