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The Election Debate Of The Governor Of West Java Heats Up


CIDISS. Unrest began when candidate number three, Sudrajat-Ahmad Syaikhu, promised to replace the president in his closing statement if he could be elected as Governor and Vice Governor of Java West.

The statement led to the mass of supporters of candidate number two who carried PDIP, TB Hasanudin-Anton Charliyan furious. They regard the provocative third pair’s statement and speak out of the context of the debate discussing the 2018 West Java Governor Election. As a result of the heated situation, the host of the debate was overwhelmed to calm the masses of each supporter because it began to calm down. In fact, the tension also occurred between one of the TV crew who was on duty with Hasanah supporters who were upset, but it can be resolved by Luckily the police are on guard.

In addition to these statements, the candidate debates are already hot. Couples who became the main focus is the serial number one Ridwan Kamil-Uu Ruzhanul Ulum and pair number four Deddy Mizwar-Dedi Mulyadi. In addition to both competing fiercely in each survey, his fourth track record as a regional leader was a target of other candidates’ critics.

However, the course of the debate is already hot so it is difficult to muted. In fact, the number four Deddy Mizwar-Dedi Mulyadi has not been given the opportunity to submit the closing sentence so that he had to wait. Meanwhile, some of Hasanah’s cloning supporters have begun gathering on the lips of the stage and demanded that Sudrajat-Ahmad Syaikhu apologize for his statement and asked the Chief of KPU to be responsible for the incidents that are considered to tarnish West Java Governor Election.

In response to this incident, Chairman of West Java KPU Yayat Hidayat admitted regret. For that, it will hold a meeting with the Election Supervisory Agency to address this incident. This incident is very unfortunate because before the debate began, the paslon has been given signs and asked to focus on the theme of the debate of environmental management issues in West Java and not deviated to things beyond contestation. The occurrence of this matter even judged by him has injured democracy.

Apart from all these things, the implementation of debate in 2018West Java Governor Election does not cause riots among supporters. This is created thanks to the alertness of the relevant officials who are guarding around the location so that the event remains conducive even though the situation is heating up. Keep in mind that the gathering of sympathizers from a number of candidates at 1 location is very easy to trigger a riot. For that, it is expected that the relevant officials can work optimally so that all activities in the implementation of 2018 West Java Governor Election does not cause open conflict.

By: Mirwan Achmad *)

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