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The Enormous of Millennials If United Against Hoax To Create Advanced Indonesia


By: Anwar Ibrahim (Independent Social Media Activists Forum Volunteer)

The enormity of the elements of citizenship if united to form a national movement of citizens who are positive and have an impact on the Nation.

Imagine, according to the e-Marketer market research institute, the population of the country’s citizens reached 83.7 million people in 2018.

The enormity of the explosion of citizen population is certainly also undeniable there are various kinds of negative motives that are now evidenced by the many circulating on the internet in the form of false news. These news usually contain slander, hatred, and even contain religious sentiments whose aim is to build radicalism.

Of course it is feared to be able to disrupt harmony between people that we have built together. Efforts have also been made by the government to stem the spread of this hoax, one of which is by establishing the ITE law.

Seeing this massive misleading information, it does not seem to deter radical groups from continuing to spread the attitude of radicalism that is packaged through hoaxes.

Really if left unchecked will threaten national sovereignty. Especially Indonesia with a variety of tribes and cultures can make radical groups easily divide, if we do not care about the nation.

To save our nation, a hero is needed to reduce all the actions of radical groups. Then who is worthy?

Of course, I, you, all of us can become the heroes of citizens by contributing in a creative and positive way to realize an advanced Indonesia.

By stepping together against hoaxes and rejecting radicalism in a positive manner it is important to realize national unity in order to succeed the sustainability of national development for an advanced Indonesia.

Even though we are not the same, but we must work together to support national leadership in order to realize national development in the next 5 years for Indonesia Forward.

Seeing the urgency, citizens and the community are ready to work together and contribute to the success of the next 5-year government program towards quality human resources, as well as welcoming the optimism of the advancing cabinet of Indonesia. Let us reclaim the glory of our nation in the midst of this asymmetrical global current.

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