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The Forestry Minister Sealed 10 Corporations in Central Kalimantan

Illustraion: fire truck amid wildfires
Illustraion: fire truck amid wildfires

Choirul Fuadi, Central Kalimantan, CIDISS –The case of fire land broadly in Central Kalimantan have impacted to seal some corporations in Central Kalimantan.

The ministry of Environmental and Forestry sealed 10 corporations of Private Big Plantation with accusation burning the land in Central Kalimantan. They are in Palangka Raya, Katingan, Kotawaringin Timur and Pulang Pisau regency.

Like quote in Borneo News, (24/9/2015), chief of Sub Directorate Investigating officer for corporation of fire land and forest, Shaifudin Akbar, said that list of corporations which sealed and chronology.

The sealing is begin on 2 weeks ago to seven corporations, they are PT Central Sejahtera Sukses (CSS/Palangka Raya), Arjuna Utama Sawit (AUS/Katingan), Hutan Sawit Lestari (HSL/Katingan), Nusantara Sawit Persada (NSP/Kotawaringin Timur), Globalindo Alam Perkasa (GAP/Kotawaringin Timur), Suryamas Cipta Perkasa (SCP/Pulang Pisau), dan Menteng Kencana Mas (MKM/Pulang Pisau).

Sedangkan tiga sisanya disegel baru-baru ini. Yakni, Bahaur Era Sawit Tama (BAF), Bahaur Era Sawit Tama (BEST) dan Karya Luhur Sejati (KLS).

Lebih rinci ia menyebutkan,  PT CSS mencakup lahan seluas 400 hektare (ha), AUS 100 ha, HSL 400 ha, NSP 1.000 ha,  GAP 500 ha, SCP 2.000 hektar, dan MKM 1.000 ha. Sedangkan tiga terbaru yakni BEST,  KLS dan Berkah Alam Fajar Mas (BAFM) masing-masing rata-rata 200 hektar ynag beroperasi di  Pulpis. (*)

Then, there are three more sealed corporation lately, they are Bahaur Era Sawit Tama (BAF), Bahaur Era Sawit Tama (BEST) and Karya Luhur Sejati (KLS).

He explained more detail, PT CSS burn 400 hektare (ha), AUS 100 ha, HSL 400 ha, NSP 1.000 ha,  GAP 500 ha, SCP 2.000 hektar, and MKM 1.000 ha. Then three corporations others are BEST, KLS adn Berkah Alam Fajar Mas (BAFM) which average burn 200 ha in  Pulang Pisau. (*)

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