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The Government Ensures No Relaxation of PSBB


By: Rika Prasetya )*

The government insists it will not relax or relax from the PSBB (Large-Scale Social Restriction). Although patients with Corona have recovered and transmission rates are declining, this policy remains to be done until Covid-19 actually leaves this country.

Currently the people are still carrying out a number of regulations issued by the government, such as social distancing, work from home, school from home, and large-scale social restrictions. This PSBB makes us unable to go out of the house and move as usual. Even motorcyclists are not allowed to piggyback passengers and a car cannot be filled to the brim, only a maximum of 50 percent of its capacity is allowed.

The regulations on large-scale social restrictions also make events that gather large numbers of people such as music concerts, weddings, and sports competitions, prohibited from being held. The streets must be completely sterile, to prevent transmission of the Covid-19 virus. It feels odd, but it must be obeyed in order to reduce the level of transmission of Corona.

If people are forced to leave the house, for example to shop at the supermarket, they must wear masks. Even in supermarkets the buyers are restricted, if you want to enter you must queue and wash your hands first. Discipline is the key to successfully handling Corona.

PSBB makes many people complain because they can not be free to move like they used to. The community hopes that large-scale social restrictions will be revised and there will be relaxation. Especially when there are rules to go home and do activities on the road, even though they only apply to medical staff and experts who handle Corona, also people who have to go home because their parents died. They thought this PSBB would be deleted soon.

This was refuted by Ahmad Yurianto, the government spokesman for handling Covid-19. When holding a press conference on May 14, he stressed that there was no PSBB relaxation. The public is asked to continue to obey the rules made by the government, for the sake of mutual safety.

Even though people have started to discipline by maintaining health and hygiene, wearing masks, and obeying the rules to stay at home, but that does not mean they can roam the streets at will. Covid-19 virus has not really left Indonesia. The risk of transmission is still high, especially because there is no vaccine for this disease and the cure is also very expensive. If you get Corona and have to take medication, then there are patients who are allergic and throw up instead. So for the sake of maintaining joint health, then do not violate the rules of large-scale social restrictions.

Appreciate the sacrifice of medical personnel who are willing to overheat when wearing hazmat clothes and must wear the PPE while on duty. They have to use it for almost 18 hours, and despite the protection of the device, there is still a risk of contracting the Covid-19 virus. Medical personnel are also afraid to go home and stay overnight in the mess provided, in order to reduce the risk of transmission to their families.

If the community violates the rules of large-scale social restrictions, Corona will continue to spread. If you have this, how long can Indonesia be free from the Covid-19 virus? So the government remained firm and stated that there was no PSBB relaxation.

Isn’t it better to prevent disease than cure? If the medical staff have worked with difficulty, but the community is arbitrary and violates the PSBB, then what will happen to them? Doctors and nurses are forced to treat Corona patients, while many people are ignorant of the rules and as a result the number of people infected and sick increases.

Relaxation from large-scale social restrictions does not exist and the government insists that the PSBB rules must be obeyed. Don’t complain and stay active from home. All regulations from the PSBB to the actual stay at home are for our own safety.

)* The author is a Contributor of the Indonesian Strategic Information Studies Institute (LSISI)

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