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The Government Optimizes Handling Floods and Landslides


By: Raditya Rahman) *

Floods and landslides that hit several regions in Indonesia have caused many losses, both fatalities to other material losses. In response to this, the Central Government optimized all of its staff to deal with the impact of the disaster, especially concerning the safety of citizens.

President Joko Widodo has given a mandate to the ranks to deal with floods that plagued a number of areas in Jabodetabek in early 2020.

            First, the most important flood matters are those relating to the safety of citizens that must be prioritized.

            The former Surakarta Mayor has also coordinated with the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) of the Jakarta provincial government and Basarnas, as well as related agencies to move together.

            Second, Jokowi also plays a role in normalizing public facilities, such as airports, toll roads and several other vital objects such as stations or terminals. The normalization is pursued so that the functions return to normal.

            While taking the third step, Jokowi asked the central government and regional governments to work together in tackling floods, especially in Jakarta.

            PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimulyo is of the opinion, the search results prove that there is a pool of water in an area that has not been normalized.

            Basuki described that around the village of Pulom Jatinegara the river has not been normalized so that visible puddles of water fall into residential areas.

            Basuki also said, the normalization was an old government plan that had been included in the development master plan.

            Flood Management in Jakarta should indeed be handled by the central government, this is because the loss and loss of life caused by the flood has made us concerned.

            The scale of priority in development must indeed refer to the needs that are felt to be the most urgent, when they are ignored, the achievements that the community wants to obtain are broad.

            Jokowi finally took over the handling of the flood in the capital. He said this on his Twitter account @jokowi. In his post, President 2 of the period mentioned that there were four locations of the worst floods in early 2020.

            The location of the flood was described as covering residential areas along the four major rivers. The four major rivers include the Krukut River, Ciliwung River, Cakung River and Sunter River.

            In connection with the flood disaster, Jokowi reminded all parties to take emergency steps, alerting the pump engine to the flood blockade through a sandbag fund gabion.

            Jokowi’s blusbing habit was also carried out by Jokowi who suddenly visited the Pluit Reservoir last Friday. The presence of the central government in optimizing flood management certainly deserves to be appreciated because it reflects the presence of the state in society.

            The breakthrough taken by the central government turned out to be appreciated by Johan Budi as a Member of the House of Representatives Commission II, according to him the central government immediately intervened in collaboration with relevant local governments and agencies related to flood management, particularly in efforts to save and evacuate victims affected by the disaster. .

            The presence of the central government would certainly be a red report card for the provincial government, especially after it was learned that the provincial government of DKI Jakarta had cut the flood management budget by Rp 500 billion, and was diverted for the implementation of Formula E 1, which will be implemented in the near future.

            Even though when the dry season ends, the capital will be prepared to welcome flooding which has become a difficult seasonal problem to avoid. But who knows what DKI Jakarta Provincial Government is thinking seems to put that aside.

            It is possible that it is appropriate for the central government to take over the handling of floods since 2017. Governor Anies Baswedan also seems unwise to deal with flood problems in his area.

            According to Anies, he was persistent that flood management was a matter of handling upstream, not a matter of normalization. It has been proven according to him, that there is normalization of the river in the village of Pulo, but floods still hit communities in Jakarta and its Surrounding areas.

            Therefore, the Provincial Government should have learned from past experience, not just opinion but lack of action, so that victims fell.

Fortunately the central government is willing to intervene to get involved in handling seasonal disasters so that there is a clear direction on how all elements of society should act when surrounded by flood disasters.

) * The author is a social political observer

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