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The Importance of ASN Data Collection Exposed by Radicalism


By: Nadya Hape

Radicalism is a virus that can infect anyone, including the State Civil Apparatus (ASN). The government needs to be firm in responding to this, including recording data on ASN that are exposed to radicalism, considering that ASN is the spearhead of public services.

Considering the noble duty carried out by the State Civil Apparatus (ASN), loyalty to the Pancasila Ideology is a major obligation for an ASN. ASN is not justified in adopting ideas that are contrary to Pancasila, one of which is radical understanding. Therefore, it becomes an urgency to register ASN exposed to radicalism so that it can be used as material for further action.

ASN refers to employees who work in government agencies. ASN employees consist of Civil Servants (PNS) and government employees with a work agreement appointed by an official supervisor of civil servants and entrusted with duties in a government position or delegated other state duties and are paid according to statutory regulations. The function of the ASN’s existence includes three things, including the implementation of public policy, public service, and the glue and unifying the nation.

Turning to its role as a unifying nation, ASN is expected to not deliver and spread news containing hate speech about SARA and still maintain integrity, loyalty, and adhere to the four pillars of nationalism.

As an arm of the government in terms of cementing society in the midst of Indonesia’s pluralism, ASN is advised not to be exposed to radicalism. But it is unfortunate when the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) receives many complaints about ASN who are exposed to radical understanding. The phenomenon of ASN exposure is certainly a matter that must be immediately followed up because it is feared that this could deny the function of ASN as a unifying nation.

Seeing this phenomenon, the Minister of Administrative Reform, Thahjo Kumolo, said that his party had made content to evaluate the reports of the public or civil servants related to understanding not in accordance with the teachings of their respective religions. This content was created in collaboration with the National Police, BNPT, National Sandi and Siber Board (BSSN). Of course in order to find ASN exposed to radicalism.

The government wants to seriously deal with ASN or civil servants who adhere to radicalism. A number of ministries and institutions have signed a Joint Decree (SKB) on the handling of radicalism for the ASN. There are 11 ministries and institutions that signed the SKB, namely Kemenpan-RB, Kemenko Polhukam, Kemendagri, Kemendag, Kemenkominfo, Kemendikbud, Kemenkumham, BIN, BNPT, BIPP, BKN, KASN.

Previously, the 11 Ministerial Decree on handling ASN radicalism reaped the pros and cons. Good for the sake of keeping ASN from ideology across from Pancasila to the fear of abuse of authority.

Commissioner of the State Civil Apparatus Commission (KASN), Arie Budhiman, also became part of the 11 Ministerial Joint Decree which was the result of joint thoughts. KASN is an inseparable part of the complaints that come in. In accordance with its function, KASN seeks to protect 4.2 million ASN throughout Indonesia with a wide range of scales, it is necessary to assist ASN instruments from radicalism.

It should be understood that the establishment of the 11 Ministerial Decree does not harm independence at all, but as a fruit of collective thought that is very helpful in providing constructive suggestions in carefully treating the values ​​of Pancasila.

Considering the basic principles of ASN that are regulated by law related to basic values, codes of conduct, and behavior, the absolute highest is to uphold the Pancasila ideology, this is final that ASN must be loyal in maintaining Unity in Diversity. On the other hand, the formation of the 11 Ministerial Decree is a form of concern to prevent the rise of ASN who are exposed to radicalism, especially the Setara Institute has conducted research on the escalation of radicalism, although the levels were arguably debatable, but almost every day Indonesia is invaded by a tsunami of radicalism information, at the grasp of radicalism every time. ASN is always there. Maybe even hundreds of thousands of messages. We face multiadsense, preventively it must be prevented, one of them is the formation of the 11 Ministerial Decree which is a preventive instrument for mitigating radical ideology and is also a response of the government who wants to safeguard ASN and care for Pancasila values ​​that have been painstakingly arranged so well by national leaders .

  • The writer is an observer of social, political and public policy issues

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