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The Job Creation Law Requires Companies to Provide Insurance


By: Dodik Prasetyo) *

The derivative regulation of the Job Creation Law requires companies to provide health insurance and other guarantees to workers on board. The facility was given, because their work was indeed more risky than other employees on the mainland. This insurance provision shows that the government appreciates the hard work of the crew members and their colleagues.

So far, work on the ship, both as subordinates and skipper, has a very high risk. They must fight seasickness, sail the oceans, and brave the storms bravely. When there is a problem it must be resolved as quickly as possible. Because assistance from the ground has to be waited for a long time.

Even though the salary as a ship crew is quite high, there are some people who are afraid to apply for work there, because of this risk. In addition, there was news about the ship’s crew having a tragic fate, because they died and their bodies were difficult to return home. In fact, there were crew members who lost their lives and were just dumped into the ocean, by the unscrupulous.

The government is trying hard to prevent this incident by providing various guarantees to workers on the ship. Government regulation number 27 of 2021 on the implementation of the maritime and fisheries sector was promulgated in the Job Creation Law. Ship owners must provide social security to workers (fishermen), after this derivative rule exists.

Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Sakti Wahyu Trenggono stated that social security consists of health insurance, life insurance, old age insurance, and job loss insurance. Health insurance and occupational safety guarantees must be provided to fishermen, so that when an accident occurs on the boat someone will bear the cost of treatment and care.

Sakti continued, death guarantees were also given, so that there would be gifts for the heirs, when his father who was a crew member died. Meanwhile, pension funds will provide pension money when the fishermen are retired, and job loss guarantees can be used as a guide when they are forced to be laid off.

The provision of insurance in the form of health insurance, work accidents, etc. is very warmly welcomed by the workers on the ship. They are relieved that the government pays attention to the safety of the crew members, because this job does have a high risk. This guarantee will increase their morale, because when there is the worst possibility, it will be covered by insurance.

Apart from that, the families of the ABK were also relieved because there was a guarantee of death. When the father, who is a crew member, has a work accident on the boat and his life is not saved, the orphans will not lose their grip. Because this insurance covers them, so they can continue their life properly.

The crew members receive various guarantees, so it is not only civil servants or BUMN employees who get these facilities. This shows that the government is very fair to its people. Because almost all elements of society get facilities in the form of health insurance, work accidents, old age insurance, etc.

This derivative regulation of the Job Creation Law is very helpful for ABK to get guarantees. So that no one else is afraid to apply for work on the ship. If people want to work as ABK, because there are various insurance provided by shipping companies, it will automatically reduce unemployment. Because more and more unemployed people are applying for work on boats.

Insurance in the form of health insurance, work accidents, etc. is a big reward for the workers on board. They get it as a token of appreciation, because they dare to work in the ocean. In addition, the provision of this guarantee is a form of justice. Because not only civil servants and BUMN employees who get health insurance and pensions.

) * The author is a contributor to the Indonesian Institute for Strategic Information Studies

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