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The Performance of KPK Leadership Candidatesis Professional


By: Rahmad Sulistiawan) *

KPK Capim Selection Committee, allegedly laden with conflicts of interest in the selection committee (Pansel) of KPK Leadership Candidates. Chairperson of the Indonesian Legal Aid Foundation (YLBHI) Asfinawati said that members of the Pansel suspected of having conflicts of interest were Indriyanto Seno Adji and Hendardi, and Chairperson Pansel Yenti Garnasih.

Asfinawati said that Yenti Garnasih recorded in digital footage was the expert head of the Police Education Criminal Investigation Agency, BNN, and the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. On the other hand, the National Police Headquarters also denied Yenti’s status as an expert at the Head of the Police Education Institution. The National Police Headquarters stated that Yenti was only a lecturer who was occasionally invited to teach.

Polri’s Public Relations Karopenmas Division Brigadier General Dedi Prasetyo said that Yenti was not a permanent lecturer, but only occasionally taught in Lembang, so there was no connection with the KPK Capim. Therefore, accusations related to conflicts of interest in the selection committee are certainly irrelevant and misdirected accusations.

Member of the House of Representatives Commission III Masinton Pasribu assessed that allegations related to conflicts of interest in the selection committee for KPK leadership candidates were only in the initial stages. Meanwhile, the party determining the leadership of the KPK is the House of Representatives Commission III, not the KPK’s Chief Commissioner. He stressed that the task of the KPK Capim Pansel was limited to selecting and capturing the names of those who had registered themselves until there were 10 candidates left.

Later, the KPK Capim Committee will send the 10 chosen names to take part in the fit and proper test in the House of Representatives Commission III, and then elect 5 people to lead the KPK. This shows that the performance of the KPK Capim Committee is in accordance with its main tasks and functions. So that various accusations related to conflicts of interest are irrelevant.

Especially in the selection process, the KPK Capim KPK does not work alone, but involves a number of parties such as the Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (PPATK) to the State Intelligence Agency. Later as many as 10 names will be submitted to the President and by the President will be submitted to the Parliament. From the 10 people will cone to 5 people.

With this, of course the KPK Capim Pansel should not be influenced by the allegations echoed by the KPK Capal Guard Coalition. Suffice the accusation to be a criticism so that the KPK Chancellor’s Commission can work better. On a different occasion Vice President Jusuf Kalla considered that not all criticism from various parties related to the selection of KPK leadership candidates must be accepted. This is in response to criticism that was submitted to the KPK committee leader.

JK said that the process was already open, the performance of the KPK Capim KPK was also open, if all the opinions followed by either people or NGOs would not be this country. If in the future there are candidates who have problems in the selection process, JK considers that this can be reported immediately to the Pansel and DPR teams. Moreover, the process of selecting a capim will also continue through the approval process in the DPR.

Meanwhile related to Capim who was allegedly related to corruption cases, JK considered in addressing this matter, it must continue to apply the principle of presumption of innocence. One of the capims mentioned was Inspector General Firli Bahuri who allegedly violated ethics during his term as KPK deputy prosecutor for playing golf with former NTB Governor Mr. Bajang Teacher Zainul Majdi. While at the same time, the KPK is investigating a case of suspected PT Newmont shares being divestas that dragged TGB.

But according to Jusuf Kalla, Firli’s meeting with TGB at that time was no more than a normal social meeting. As we know that the KPK is an institution mandated by reform. Since its establishment, he said the KPK has cracked down on various parties, ranging from the leadership of state institutions, law enforcement, the private sector, to the corporation.

The Committee of KPK Capim will certainly carry out their duties according to their portion. We also have to believe that the KPK leadership who will be elected is a figure who has credibility in eliminating corrupt practices in Indonesia. The selection process is carried out transparently, certainly a guarantee that the election of the KPK Capim is far from being accused of intervention from any party.

) * The author is a social political observer

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