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The Successful Implementation of Religious Moderation


By: Muhammad Arif )*
The community supports the Government to continue to intensify and succeed in the application of religious moderation. Religious moderation is a program that must be carried out to maintain peace in Indonesia.
Indonesia is a pluralistic country and has 6 religions recognized by the government. This diversity makes us accustomed to tolerance, and respect for people with other beliefs has been taught since childhood. When a person claims to be religiously obedient, he maintains a good relationship, not only with God but also with humans, even those with different beliefs.
However, there are radical and terrorist groups who cannot accept the concept of religious moderation. For them, the caliphate state must exist, and there is no tolerance in it. It is even permissible to resort to violence for the sake of the formation of a caliphate state. This is certainly a big mistake because it is not in accordance with the conditions of society in Indonesia.
Therefore, religious moderation is always intensified by the government, so that no one is affected by the incitement of radical groups. In carrying out religious orders, one must be moderate, in the sense of not being too extreme right or left. Balance needs to be struck and tolerance is the key to peace in Indonesia.
The Chancellor of the Toraja State Christian Institute (IAKN) Dr. Joni Tapingku stated that religious moderation is a creative effort to develop an attitude of diversity in the midst of various pressures. In a sense, for a pluralistic country like Indonesia, everyone is obliged to practice religious moderation, because they understand that there is diversity in Indonesia and there are not only one religion recognized by the government.
Dr. Joni continued, religious moderation is a necessary mature attitude. On the other hand, radicalism and terrorism are very childish, because they impose their will on others. Radicalism is always synonymous with evil, because it sees different people and people with other beliefs as big enemies, even though they have no faults.
To succeed in understanding religious moderation, this teaching must be spread, starting from the kindergarten to university level. Religious moderation must be taught from an early age, because children will understand diversity and attitudes so as not to be too extreme in religion. Anything outrageous isn’t even good, right?
An example of the teachings of religious moderation that can be taught to students is justice. There should be no discrimination, even if someone becomes a minority because of a different belief. All students must have the same rights and teachings, and should not be bullied just because their beliefs are different.
In addition, students can be taught about diversity, as a point of religious moderation. There are 6 religions recognized by the government and they must be aware of it. They should not insult their friends with other beliefs and be too fanatical, because it violates the norms and laws in Indonesia.
Tolerance must also be taught because we are always dealing with neighbors or friends who do not necessarily have the same belief. Do not even shout infidel because it is very rude. Tolerance must be carried out and there must be mutual respect and tolerance, because it must be remembered that Indonesia is a pluralistic country and not a country with only one religion.
Religious moderation must be successful so that there are no brawls or wars in cyberspace with the theme of differences in beliefs. In carrying out religious rules, it is also obligatory to maintain good relations with fellow human beings, not only with God. Good relations with people with different beliefs are also recommended, because we are a pluralistic nation.

)* The author is a contributor to the Press Circle and Cikini Students

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