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Time to Unite Again, Return All Disputes to the Path of Law


By: Ridho Atmadja *

The 2019 presidential election and legislative elections are over with all their pluses and minuses, and now the KPU as the election organizer is completing the vote count. All contestants should wait patiently for the results of the vote count by the KPU.

Various survey institutions have issued their quick count results. Some meet the expectations of contestants, while others disappoint. But it should not be used as the main reference, because it is the KPU’s calculation that must absolutely be taken into account.

The Election Law has provided a dispute resolution mechanism for those who are not satisfied with the results of the presidential and legislative elections. Indonesia is a legal state. Therefore, the law must be a reference if there is a dispute.

In the context of legislative elections and presidential elections, the applicable law has provided fora dispute resolution in stages. From the first court, appeals reached appeal to the Supreme Court.

For structured, systematic and massive deviations or fraud, a settlement path is available through the Constitutional Court (MK). Whereas irregularities involving election management personnel can be submitted to the Election Organizers Honor Council (DKPP).

All disputes regarding the legislative election and presidential election should be resolved with a clean heart and clear mind. Return everything through the official mechanism provided by law, product agreements with the legislative and executive institutions.

We are a civilized nation, all disputes should be brought to legal channels. Without coercion, including by mobilizing the masses.

The legislative election and presidential election are merely a five-year democratic cycle, which should be carried out with joy. Without sacrificing national unity and unity.

  • The author is a Social Media Activist

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