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TNI assist Police to protect Pilkada 2018


CIDISS. TNI Army will assist the police in securing the elections 2018. Army Chief of Staff (KSAD) General Mulyono said the army will participate in anticipating the threat of unrest during the election.

General Mulyono said one of his duties was to assist the police in maintaining the security and stability of public order, threats or potential that occurred during the elections was a public riot.

Mulyono said that the TNI in the region is currently mapping the potential for unrest that could arise in the local elections simultaneously. He said it had obtained the mapping data.

Mulyono explained, related to the strength of the elements that do the context of elections, the support of the community to what extent, then what forces, which may bring the potential for this unrest and so we have data and we map for our anticipatory steps.

Mulyono said the TNI will be under police coordination in securing the elections of 2018. The number of TNI personnel deployed will depend on the needs of the police.

Mulyono added that in the role of the TNI for this Pilkada is to assist the police. I am under police coordination. How much power deployed is certainly based on the request of the police, and each of those different areas is our readiness and role for pilkada.

Let all the elements to participate in the success of elections in conjunction 2018 in order to create a quality Pilkada. The security apparatus, the government, the election organizer, the political party must synergize for one purpose to be able to produce a qualified elections.

By: Andi Saputra *)

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