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Travelers are Advised to Postpone Their Trip to Jakarta


By: Alfisyah Kumalasari) *

There is an appeal for travelers to not return to Jakarta after returning home during Lebaran. The goal is not to spread the Covid-19 virus that can be brought from there, especially if they come from the red zone area. If it is still reckless, then this pandemic will not end, because more and more people have contracted Corona.

In the previous month of Ramadan there was an appeal not to go home but there are still people who are stubborn and want to go home. The reason, they lost their jobs in Jakarta and could not help going to the village, because the cost of living was much cheaper. After Lebaran, they suddenly want to go back to Jakarta because they are looking for a higher-paying job than in the village. But unfortunately, there is an appeal for them to return to the capital.

An appeal not to return to Jakarta was expressed by Achmad Yurianto, a government spokesman for handling Covid-19. He said that we must adopt a new mindset and not the old way. Yuri, his nickname, stated this from a teleconference at Graha BNPB, May 24, 2020.

People who want to return to Jakarta do not be angry because of this rule, let alone blame the government. Currently we are still in a pandemic due to Corona disease, so we cannot go back and forth to the capital city. Moreover, the PSBB in the capital city was extended to June 4, 2020. If it is indeed forced to leave Jakarta because there is a need, for example because a relative has died, then he must show a KTP, death certificate, Corona free letter, and entry and exit permit which can be downloaded on a special site .

In the capital city, there are more than 6,600 people infected with the Covid-19 virus. Do not let that number increase because many people are infected, because they interact with people who return to Jakarta. Especially if the ex-homecomers come from the red zone, it will increase the potential of Corona distribution. So it would be better if those who returned to Jakarta undo their intentions and only enter the area after the pandemic ended and were declared truly safe.

The return of workers from outside Jakarta is already an annual ritual. They hope in the capital city will get a better livelihood. Often, these people also bring relatives and friends from the village to work in Jakarta. Not only 1 person was brought but up to dozens of people.

They have mistaken the perception that work in the capital city is good and the salary is high, even though it’s not certain. There are jobs that have good salaries but of course for highly educated employees, while for migrants generally only high school graduates and junior high. So that it can only work as a day laborer and must be able to survive with the cost of living is much higher than in the village.

Isn’t there a song Who Tells to Come to Jakarta and the phrase ‘The Capital City is meaner than the stepmother’. So do not need to bring other people to work in the capital, instead it will make this special area more crowded. They also should not temporarily return to the capital, in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. This rule was made for our mutual safety. Don’t even nag every minute, after all, haven’t they also broken the rules to be prohibited from going home? So it is obligatory when legowo are prohibited from returning.

Ex travelers should be patient and not enter the capital for a while. Do not be desperate to break through the border, because officers will be driven away immediately and can be fined. Especially if you do not bring permission to enter and exit the Jakarta area. Wait until the pandemic really ends, then return to the capital.

) * Active writer in the Press Circle and Cikini Students

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