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Welcoming the New Year, Citizens Unite Against Hoax and Radicalism for Advanced Indonesia


By: Zulfikar Ahmad) *

The year 2019 is almost over, but at the end of this year we still have a big unresolved challenge, which is to reduce the hoax news that is rife circulating in cyberspace. The journey of the hoax itself is indeed extraordinary, especially in 2019. The reason for that year was the political momentum to bring down one another.

Not to mention through social media networks and the internet, hoaxes can be spread without being prevented. Not only can it trigger anger and hatred towards others, furthermore, hoaxes also threaten the unity and ideology of this nation. Add to this the spread and movement of radicalism in Indonesia, as the enemy of the country is interrupted by various policies in the era of President Joko Widodo’s leadership which crushed enemies of the Pancasila enemy.

Therefore, seeing this, citizens are ready to support government policies such as against hoaxes and radicalism to their roots in order to realize the unity of Indonesia towards the progress of the nation. In this modern era, an effective strategy is needed, to fight radicalism and terrorism. Therefore, be citizens who are agents of change and spread the truth by posing positive content that fosters optimism.

If citizens can do this, they have indirectly actively supported the government’s deradicalization program. In addition to completing everything, citizens must also be spreading the truth, not spreading hatred. By calling for truth, people will not be easily influenced by misleading information.

The community and citizens are also ready to fight the circulation of hoaxes on social media to help the development of Indonesia equally. Because hoaxes and radicalism are related. Both viruses continue to poison the nation’s children to destroy the sovereignty of the Pancasila state.

This is all done that wants to prove that the community is not afraid to fight hoaxes and acts of radicalism. Besides that, in line with the vision of the Indonesian people, citizens will always support government policies for the next 5 years.

New Year Songsong, Citizens Unite Against Hoax and Radicalism For Advanced Indonesia

By: Zulfikar Ahmad) *

The year 2019 is almost over, but at the end of this year we still have a big unresolved challenge, which is to reduce the hoax news that is rife circulating in cyberspace. The journey of the hoax itself is indeed extraordinary, especially in 2019. The reason for that year was the political momentum to bring down one another.

Not to mention through social media networks and the internet, hoaxes can be spread without being prevented. Not only can it trigger anger and hatred towards others, furthermore, hoaxes also threaten the unity and ideology of this nation. Add to this the spread and movement of radicalism in Indonesia, as the enemy of the country is interrupted by various policies in the era of President Joko Widodo’s leadership which crushed enemies of the Pancasila enemy.

Therefore, seeing this, citizens are ready to support government policies such as against hoaxes and radicalism to their roots in order to realize the unity of Indonesia towards the progress of the nation. In this modern era, an effective strategy is needed, to fight radicalism and terrorism. Therefore, be citizens who are agents of change and spread the truth by posing positive content that fosters optimism.

If citizens can do this, they have indirectly actively supported the government’s deradicalization program. In addition to completing everything, citizens must also be spreading the truth, not spreading hatred. By calling for truth, people will not be easily influenced by misleading information.

The community and citizens are also ready to fight the circulation of hoaxes on social media to help the development of Indonesia equally. Because hoaxes and radicalism are related. Both viruses continue to poison the nation’s children to destroy the sovereignty of the Pancasila state.

This is all done that wants to prove that the community is not afraid to fight hoaxes and acts of radicalism. Besides that, in line with the vision of the Indonesian people, citizens will always support government policies for the next 5 years.

) * Volunteers for the Literacy Movement for the Progress of the Nation

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