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Beware of Fake Ticket Seller


By: Choirul Fuadi)*

CIDISS – in close to Idul Fitri, many transmigrate will be back to their hometown and they started fully the access of transportation in Central Kalimantan Province. Central Kalimantan province has many transmigrates, most of them is from Java island.

Access in Central Kalimantan is both in airport (air) and harbor (water / sea). Generally, harbor in Central Kalimantan; Panglima Utar harbor in Kotawaringin Barat regency and Sampit harbor in Kotawaringin Timur serves route to Semarang and Surabaya.

In the full of passenger, it also take benefit by some seller to sell the fake ticket especially ship. It need pay attention for ship’s passenger. Previous year, many cases of fake ticket in harbor and passenger have failure to continue their trip to their hometown.

Actually, the ticker has booked by online system, but many passengers are still come to agent and printed directly, and then it might arises the possibility of fake ticket,

It makes the police resort Kotawaringin Timur urge to passenger to always careful to the fake ticket. Chief of Police Kotawaringin Timur, AKBP Muchtar Supiandi said, many people look for ticket in agents.

He said, the online ticket will not able to print over and it listed and monitored the number of passenger who will go to Java. “So, ticket agent will not able to print over. Moreover it needs any limitation, in order there is no fake ticker case,” he said.

But, his party always has attention toward people who take occasion by sell fake ticket to passenger. “We will monitor the ticket selling regulation, to prevent the fake ticket. It is usually done by Calo (Un-official seller),”

Buy ticket in official agent or come to centre of ticket purchase, is a safe way to buy ticket in order to prevent the fake ticket.

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